Wednesday 1 July 2020

Where Do You Find Recognition?

Just a thought on the 'bigger picture', and how much we've come to value our medical & frontline services, especially during these exceptionally testing times. There's no doubt that they're doing outstanding, extraordinarily selfless, life-saving jobs, working all hours, constantly putting themselves in harm's way, desperately trying to save lives.

Whilst they're the ones on the coal face, let's not forget to also recognise the carers, teachers, farmers and many others still trying to hold it together. Not everyone will receive the same level of 'recognition' and that's fine. Many people do their jobs because they're happy to play an important role, love what they do and don't begrudge others the recognition. Whilst many don't work for the appreciation or gratitude it's important that they sometimes be recognised for their efforts.

Many in this present crisis are doing a sterling job; the delivery staff, shop workers, cleaners, carers, tutors, transport providers, home workers, parents, news reporters, even government officials. They may feel their roles are not appreciated by others.

We're all indebted to the medical staff and whilst recognising their exemplary efforts need also to remember to give ourselves credit for trying to hold it together. All jobs deserve recognition for a myriad of reasons; yes, our work may involve helping others, but it also provides money, satisfaction, routine, a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

Every one of us has in some way been affected by the present situation. I know I've had suicidal clients, couples whose relationships are potentially on the rocks, clients despairing of their futures. Losing our job or business is devastating. Appreciate your strength, the role you've carved for yourself in your life, your family and the bigger picture.

How do you give recognition? Yes, there's a massive outpouring of gratitude and affection for the many front-line workers during this corona virus pandemic. We're all bowled over by their selfless dedication, preparedness to risk their health and to work as many hours as required, sometimes volunteering or returning from retirement to do so.

From now on let's start to remember and recognise the many other people in our lives who we may not normally think to appreciate or be thankful for. This could be a good time to remedy that. There are often several areas of our lives that run seamlessly, so seamlessly in fact that we don't pause to consider how, for example, our dinner regularly appears on the table, how there are always clean clothes or fresh towels when we need them. The behind-the-scenes support is often why the other areas of our lives function as well as they do.

Pause to value the money that has to be earned in order to replenish our food cupboards, to keep a roof over our heads or to pay for our home to be heated. Acknowledging and appreciating the people in our lives is important, both to them and to us. Knowing you're valued helps fuel and sustain our relationships. So, complimenting someone for taking the time to look nice, thanking them for a piece of work they've done or for caring enough to be helpful truly matters.

After all, we can't know how much effort was required by the other person to do something which for us may be a relatively easy ask. Our partner, children, friends or co-workers may be going through testing times or have personal struggles that we're unaware of. A simple, uncomplicated, 'thank you, you're really helped me', could lighten their load, relieve their stress and bring a smile to their day.

Where do you find recognition? Over time we've no doubt come to realise that in life appreciation and gratitude aren't always forthcoming, so sometimes we have to look elsewhere. It may mean that we have to be prepared to reflect on our self-worth and find recognition within. Instead of the 'thank you', we were hoping for we may even instead attract criticism and negative comments about what we 'should' or 'ought' to have done.

But when you're able to pause and know that you've done all you can, are able to be at peace with yourself and maybe look at your team at home or work and say, 'we're in this together, we've made a great effort', you can find satisfaction and recognition from those who really matter, your inner circle. Receiving recognition from others may be a 'nice' extra, the icing on the cake, but it doesn't define your worth or the quality of effort you've made.

Susan Leigh, counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon & with easy to read sections, tips and ideas to help you feel more positive about your life.

To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit

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