Saturday 4 July 2020

The Winning Thought!

Being self-actualized is more powerful than being enlightened. When you have reached the end, it does not end. So, you must get a new goal always, and you must continually take action achieving each new goal with a living psyche (life filled spirit) that does not take anything for granted forever. With that said, I begin this article. "The end" is really "The beginning" always when really thought about, because when you retire, you either get another goal or you die. When you reach the end, you stop forever and die or do more that is something different, it never ends. Indeed, the winning thought is not to retire or get enlightened and reach "the end", everything is really an open-ended process of eternity and infinity existence when really thought about.

You see, so many people act like life is an end to be reached then they retire after doing so much service and achieving a "big goal". Happiness and fulfillment does not work that way, and that is how real losers think in reality because of the realistic "what next" factor life automatically has because of its genuine nature.

Winning is a consistent forever process, and I mean real winning that happens all the time. I do not mean reaching a temporary goal or objective, I mean going with existence forever where it may genuinely lead. Consciousness does not die, and nor does spiritual energy, it just changes or the caterpillars forever turn into butterflies in nature and reality everywhere.

With all that getting, get reality! There is not any real retirement or end to be reached, it is a consistent process. Winners realize this, losers think: "Damn, I won the pot, that is it!" or "I lost and I genuinely quit!"

What do you think enlightenment is? It is a concept of the end without considering what happens after it. Enlightenment is an unrealistic concept as most people think it is. Realistic enlightening is consistent working on yourself without end or breaking the link in your mind, body and spirit. Indeed, I did not say "perfection", that is an unrealistic concept and perception to. I am basing this on what actually exists, eternal work and process at it. Eternal momentum and results that work genuinely always. Not perfectly, but always working in the right ways that are genuine and needed. That is the process in reality, quite simply, take or leave the gift here.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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