Sunday 2 August 2020

Your Values, Your Choices, Your Power and Your Time

Your time choices are the building blocks of your moments, days, weeks, months, and years. And your values are key ingredients in your time choices.

So becoming aware of your values is a very important consideration when it comes to time management.

Values and Time Choices
Time is absolute, concrete and universal. In practice what that means is that your time is limited. So how you spend your time -- the choices you make about it -- define your life.

Does that sound daunting to you?

You can choose to see it that way... or you can see it as a challenge and an adventure. We humans have been puzzling out the mysteries of time for a very long time.

And there are no general answers to the challenges or to the mysteries. No, the answers are all personal. What works for you will be unique to you -- just as your values are.

A touchstone...
We have choices about how we see and feel about this.

As you can tell, I keep coming back to that touchstone -- choices. We can approach the fact that time is irreversible with fear or with respect. It's entirely up to us. And that's powerful.

If you lead with fear about "losing time" you might panic, procrastinate, or feel overwhelmed. That way, you generate more anxiety... and probably more lost time!

Ground yourself...
On the other hand, if you approach this as reality, it can help you make time choices that more closely match your value system. This is what I call values-driven time management - a powerful tool for meaning-filled living.

When you think about your time, your values, and your time choices what comes to mind?

Identifying your values and making them visible to you serves as a powerful and profound guide when making choices about your time. Listen to yourself and the messages from your heart. Are your values and your time choices in sync?

Do you hear harmony or dissonance?

Let's explore time together...

And to move toward your Heart-Based Time Success, sign up for our free gift, The Finding Time Success Kit, which includes "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!" Using a workbook format this powerful and practical time template helps you progress beyond disappointment and frustration. Discover that 24 hours really are enough!

Just click this link to get started:

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