Thursday 27 August 2020

We All Love To Win, But, Who Loves To Train?

 We all love when the action is going well, and we are genuinely doing something productive. When things are not so active and we have to train for the next time we are in the action and get to when the action is going well, What then?

That is what this article addresses.

In reality, there are the conditions of up, down and sideways or in-between backward or forward. In short, there are all directions. If we really want to gain something out of reality, we must love the training process as well as the fulfilling end or it means nothing except empty effort like a job we hate, yet make a living at.

So, think for a moment in an awake way: What do I want to do in life that I love the process and end of?

Recently, I thought this way about my life and had the chance to think about it all deeply. Especially in this "Corona Virus time of semi-enforced isolation and social distancing", I have had the chance to do some deep work on myself. Also, I do not look on being generally alone at times as a negative thing. This time of "lockdown" has actually been very positive. This time has even enriched and bettered my understanding of myself. When done right, though, is that not what all training and preparation that is proper does though? Is that not a reality for all who love the process as well as the results?

Personally to the last two questions, I can genuinely say yes. Although most people who make livings at jobs they do not like or even care for except for the paycheck and "getting by" say an unconscious "no" with a depressed and subliminal shrug that does not seem to care about what happens with their goals, realities or genuine desires. Indeed, though, everyone knows the reality of the situation whatever the answer, some admit it deeply, some want to do the "forget it" in a shallow way, but, all have to admit: Without the work, without the things we have to do, we do not get what we want even in a small way. Those who are more conscious want to enjoy the process of the work as well as getting what is wanted, and the fully conscious want it all to be desirable, enjoyable and meaningful to themselves understanding that when reality works, it works at all levels harmoniously in down time, up time, and between times. Consciousness is a choice to take a road in reality mostly, not a given static condition in any way. Indeed, the blessing of consciousness is the choice to take a desirable action instead of taking what is given or doled out "naturally" or "taking what is given without your desire or control."

After all, in the senses I am mentioning, determining for yourself what you desire and what action to take is the essence of freedom and success, nothing else is better in that sense.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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