Sunday 9 August 2020

Mindset Vs Skill - How to Succeed in Business

An online mentor of mine, Jennifer Allwood, shares that "business is 20% strategy and 80% mindset". While the "strategy" of a business is very important, to be successful you must have the right mindset about yourself, your company and your customers.

If you are a small business owner and you are looking for the "secret strategy" to change your business, you could spend all of your time in search of strategy. For example, scroll through Facebook and you will see the 100's of trainers, coaches and experts who are trying to sell you the latest "gadget" for success.

Stop enrolling in every Free Group and Free Download that you see. You are WASTING your time by chasing a shiny new object that is just not out there.

Learn the skills you need, know your audience, and stay plugged in to your industry. After that? It's all about Mindset.

How do you know if you have a mindset problem?
You keep searching for the "right" skill, the "right" training or that "right" coach that will give you the Magic Pill or Secret Sauce for success. Here are a few examples that might indicate you have a mindset problem:

Complain about the success of others
Enroll in every course/training you see on social media
Continue to ask for the Right Words to describe your product or what you do
Buy every planner in search of a better system
Always busy but not completing Income Producing Activities
Not consistent in small, daily activities
If you are searching constantly for skills, then you don't believe in yourself or your business. To succeed, you need the mindset component along with the skills.
Subconscious Mind
Your Subconscious Mind runs the show based on unfiltered information known as beliefs. Your Mind believes everything that you think. For example, when you say these things, your mind believes it:

Why am I so stupid?
I will never get that promotion.
I'm not very pretty.
I'm not smart enough.
I'll never be successful like "Suzy".
Each and every time you say these phrases out loud and in your mind, your brain believes the statement! Next, you must learn how to change your mindset.
How to Change Your Mindset?
If we know that changing our mindset is key, then why are we not doing it? And most importantly how do we change our mindset? It's not easy, but keep it simple and you can Change Your Mindset!

There are several recommendations that I can make for changing your mindset.

Personal Development?-?I highly recommend Mel Robbins and her resources.
Daily Affirmations! Write them on your bathroom mirror or maybe a Pinterest board.
Eliminate Distractions and get new friends
Don't allow yourself to say negative things about yourself
Make it an everyday habit
To get the life you want, you must let go of old limiting beliefs. Tackle the mindset beliefs that are keeping you from moving forward, keeping you from reaching your greatness!
If you have a small business, please know that you must have the skills for your business. But, you must also have the right mindset for success. You need skills and mindset!

How do you continually feed your mindset?

Dr. Olivieri is a communication and presentation expert who has given over 1,000 presentations and written 100+ training manuals, articles and reports. Dr. Olivieri retired in 2017 at age 51 from Mississippi State University where she worked in Information Technology Infrastructure and taught in the College of Business. Today, Dr Olivieri helps others create a life they love! Join the conversation on Facebook at:

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