Sunday, 30 August 2020
Trying Too Hard Is The Real Reason For Your Lack Of Success
Don't Aim For Results Over Outcomes
I want to take you on a journey on a topic I trust is close to your heart as it is mine. What am I referring to? Trying too hard. Firstly, let's begin by examining your relationship with the matter. Are you aware of trying too hard whether it be in your: relationships, career, health or otherwise? What do you believe is the cause of it? I will give you an insight into my experience via a recent journal entry below. Sometimes trying hard has worked, yet mostly it hasn't because of the effort required to sustain it. For example, in relationships it can become exhausting trying hard all the time. Is this something you've experienced before? Perhaps you were making every effort instead of allowing the relationship to run its natural course? Whatever the case, there may be an underlying tension of forcing things to happen that can lead to an unhealthy relationship.
Similarly, if we try too hard to get ahead in our career, the energy we spend may be the very thing holding us back. How can we learn to struggle less without compromising our desire to succeed? For example, I enjoy working hard because it gives me a sense of purpose and meaning. I love writing, speaking and coaching clients on all things related to: self-improvement, personal growth and self-awareness. How about you? How do you find purpose and meaning in your life? Do you have expectations of how your work is seen by others? For example, you might enjoy being creative whether through art or music. Sometimes your work is not acknowledged in the manner you envisioned. This is hard to accept and so we try harder hoping our next creative endeavour will be a hit. However, success is seldom achieved in such a way, since we tend to please others instead of building on our success. We are not listening to our inner guidance but relying on outside influences to dictate our outcomes.
As you read through my journal entry below, note how I intentionally ask questions to get to the heart of the issue. The key is to focus on one area of your life when doing self-exploration and examine it objectively. It requires distancing yourself from the situation with an open mind. Then it will become obvious where you need to take action or not. Once you finish reading this article, I invite you to write in your journal or diary ways in which you are trying too hard in areas of your life. It may be difficult at first but remain open as you explore it since there may be vital clues you need to learn.
Examining My Limiting Belief
Am I Trying Too Hard To Succeed? What Is The Cause Of Trying Too Hard?
For as long as I can remember, I've had a strong desire to succeed whether it was related to my career or life circumstances. I've enjoyed working hard which may be attributed to my relationship with my father who conveyed the idea that nothing I did was ever good enough. Therefore, on an unconscious level I had to work harder than most people to achieve the same level of success. Tied to this was a sense of perfection and pushing myself to extremes, whether it be through sport, in my relationships or career. I was aware of the inner critic urging me to do better. However, the cost of trying too hard meant falling short of my expectations, i.e. disappointment, anger and frustration. I justified it by convincing myself that I had put in the hard work, therefore I should be entitled to success. Limiting Belief: Hard work is not a predictor or precursor to success. There were times I wanted to give up, yet I found this difficult because if I quit who would take control of my life? The universe? God? Someone else? These are questions that flood my mind as I try to make sense of how much effort it requires to achieve my goals.
In recent years, the need to try hard has improved. It involved the art of 'allowing' instead of forcing things to happen. When I force life to happen, it seldom works out as planned and I become disillusioned. When I come from a place of love, faith and trust, I can still work hard with fewer expectations of a desired outcome. It's not that I don't want to succeed, however I have learned to let go of fixed outcomes because life may have better plans. So how can I change my relationship of trying too hard? What is the cause of forcing things to happen? Firstly, I can learn to detach from desired outcomes regarding a project, a goal or a relationship. I still invest myself wholeheartedly and show up embodying my deepest self but I suspend my expectations of how things should unfold. Perhaps the cause of forcing things to happen is my limiting belief that I have to do all the work otherwise I won't get what I want. This was the message conveyed by my father which I adopted as truth. I believed if nothing I do is ever good enough, I must work hard to make up for it. But working harder will not assure me success if my intentions are not in the right place. If I am lacking in some way, all my hard work will go to waste if I feel undeserving. The key is to work efficiently and reframe my relationship of receiving and deserving. When I let go of fixed outcomes and give myself entirely to the undertaking, everything I ever need will show up in its own time.
Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!
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Saturday, 29 August 2020
Your Focus Keeps You On Track and Amps Up Your Productivity
Your focus and effectiveness are inextricably linked.
Indeed, time management tips, no matter how well-grounded they may be, are only as effective as your capacity to focus and follow-through.
So, your focus is a powerful productivity tool.
But that's not all. Your focus actually helps you restore your energy and free your creativity, too.
Staying on Track
In our information-saturated world, you can practically hear the battle being waged for your attention as an incessant buzzing in your head. Concentration can be difficult to come by, let alone sustain. Yet your focus is one of the most remarkable inherent strengths you can ever develop.
So, would you like some support around staying on task and on track? Read on...
Your focus is about you...
It is really all about your quality of relationship with yourself. Whenever you need the motivation to calm your mind and concentrate, recall these three key advantages you will always gain when you focus:
Whatever you are doing is enhanced.
You are more present in your life.
No time is required; there is always enough time to sharpen your focus.
This is about quality, not quantity. When you are centered you are bringing yourself fully to each of your moments and getting the most from what your moments hold. An hour is still an hour, whether you are present to it or not - but the content of that hour is essentially different when you are engaged as your fully attentive self.
What can your focus do?
So, let's deepen our appreciation of what this powerful and transformative time tool brings us by looking more specifically at what your focus can do for you. It can:
Transform Your Relationship With Time. Your anxieties about the future melt away because you fully inhabit the moment you are in. This is the rich experience of centuries of meditation practice, worldwide. You can trust it. When you are in the flow of the present moment, you experience the power that is always yours. You direct your inner relation-ship, with the rudder and sail in your hands. You attune yourself to life's winds and waves, and feel fully alive as you steer with increasing skill! The feeling of inner safety that comes when you fully occupy the moment cannot be matched.
Free You From Time-Consuming Past Scripts. Each of us carries stories from our past, created when we had limited understanding. Formulas we once thought kept us safe may now simply slow us down. So, how can you gain the perspective to step clear from old time traps? The ability to silence inner chatter and closely observe what surrounds you is an essential first step. As the Zen master instructs the student: "Attention... Attention... Attention... "
But that's not all...
Clarify Your Perceptions and Enhance Your Productivity. The less distracted you are, the more energy you direct to your task. Watch your effectiveness grow. The next time you start to feel scattered, breathe from your belly and warmly tell yourself that you can do one thing well. What about those urgent imperatives that vie for your attention? Write down whatever is distracting you. Promise yourself that when your task is completed, you can attend to that matter.
Increase Your Confidence. Nothing can match the feeling you give yourself by letting yourself experience the centered, relaxed, receptive self-intimacy that focused activity brings. By exercising positive control over your mind and your time, you immerse yourself in the flow of the present moment. Confidence grows organically when you direct your best energies to the task at hand.
And there's more...
Nurture Your Creativity. Do you question how creative you can be? As you cultivate your focus, new avenues of inner communication open up to you. Only when you silence the chattering that surrounds you can your wise and quiet voice of intuition be heard. Experiment with simply focusing within, on the effortless rising and falling of your breath. Let thoughts bubble up, and see which ones catch the light.
Continually Develop Your Skills. As you let yourself experience the satisfaction of being fully in the moment, you become less and less vulnerable to the nagging illusion that there is something outside of yourself that you 'need.' This encourages a rising spiral of self-reference, enabling you to direct your energy ever more skillfully.
In the end, focus, which takes no time, will actually give you time because it increases your power, satisfaction, confidence, and productivity. It allows you to pour your best energies into what you do right now, and watch them multiply.
So how will you start putting yourself in a position to find more success and satisfaction, beginning with this very moment?
You'll find expert guidance quickly with our free Finding Time Success Kit, so check out our video at and then sign up for your Kit!
You'll receive our Finding Time Boundary Template, our popular Weekly Tips, and our monthly, award-winning E-zine -- all free and all right to your in-box!
For even more time tips, tools and techniques, visit our blog at
Offered by Paula Eder, Ph.D. The Time Finder Expert
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Friday, 28 August 2020
Personal FInancial Planning: Will You Rent, Or Own, Your Stocks?
Although, very few, either realize it, or will admit it, many people seem to approach, investing in stocks, in a rather, short - term, rather than longer - run manner, and mind - set! When you invest, will you do so, as if you are renting, or owning the stocks, you purchase? In most instances, those, who seek quality companies, rather than seeking, some, get - rich - quick, approach, minimize their personal risk (in the long - term), as well as, if done, wisely, get a better overall rate of return, over - time! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, what this means and represents, and the potential risks and ramifications, etc.
1. Constant trading/ turnover, versus, buy - and - hold: Some people turn - over their portfolios, far more often, than others. While, in the short - run, this may deliver profits, etc, it often, fares less well, over a longer - period, with expenses, market - shifts, changing economic times, etc, taken into consideration! However, the buy - and - hold, approach, generally requires far more homework, study, and consideration, in order to thoroughly, consider, whether the right type of company, is being chosen!
2. Doing due diligence: A wise, educated, prepared investor, generally, does best! When one does his due diligence, he maximizes the possibilities. Choosing a quality, wiser course of action, requires excellent dedication to due diligence, and a commitment to avoid, proceeding, in a hasty way! Consider management, industry, corporate dedications, etc, and proceed, wisely!
3. Long - term, proactive, versus, impulsive and/ or reactive: Consider fully, up - front, what you seek, and identify, those companies, which might best serve your needs, goals, and priorities. Be thorough, demanding, but, also, patient! Avoiding choosing, based on rumors, feelings, tips, or short - term fads, or other impulses, etc, and, rather, proactively, carefully, choose, wisely, for the longer - term!
4. Evaluating the company, versus the overall market: Beware of market - timing, but, rather, pay far more attention to the specific company, instead of the overall market! When you avoid, over - considering, the short - term, and the inevitable market swings, you minimize speculative risks, etc! Fully research, all aspects of the subject corporation, know about its management, history, plans for the future, relevance, and the strategic, as well as action plans, and choose, wisely!
In most cases, most people, over - time, do much better, when they opt for the longer - term approach, instead of the shorter - one. Are you ready, willing, and able, to become a wiser investor?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, financial/ business consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for planning:
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Thursday, 27 August 2020
We All Love To Win, But, Who Loves To Train?
We all love when the action is going well, and we are genuinely doing something productive. When things are not so active and we have to train for the next time we are in the action and get to when the action is going well, What then?
That is what this article addresses.
In reality, there are the conditions of up, down and sideways or in-between backward or forward. In short, there are all directions. If we really want to gain something out of reality, we must love the training process as well as the fulfilling end or it means nothing except empty effort like a job we hate, yet make a living at.
So, think for a moment in an awake way: What do I want to do in life that I love the process and end of?
Recently, I thought this way about my life and had the chance to think about it all deeply. Especially in this "Corona Virus time of semi-enforced isolation and social distancing", I have had the chance to do some deep work on myself. Also, I do not look on being generally alone at times as a negative thing. This time of "lockdown" has actually been very positive. This time has even enriched and bettered my understanding of myself. When done right, though, is that not what all training and preparation that is proper does though? Is that not a reality for all who love the process as well as the results?
Personally to the last two questions, I can genuinely say yes. Although most people who make livings at jobs they do not like or even care for except for the paycheck and "getting by" say an unconscious "no" with a depressed and subliminal shrug that does not seem to care about what happens with their goals, realities or genuine desires. Indeed, though, everyone knows the reality of the situation whatever the answer, some admit it deeply, some want to do the "forget it" in a shallow way, but, all have to admit: Without the work, without the things we have to do, we do not get what we want even in a small way. Those who are more conscious want to enjoy the process of the work as well as getting what is wanted, and the fully conscious want it all to be desirable, enjoyable and meaningful to themselves understanding that when reality works, it works at all levels harmoniously in down time, up time, and between times. Consciousness is a choice to take a road in reality mostly, not a given static condition in any way. Indeed, the blessing of consciousness is the choice to take a desirable action instead of taking what is given or doled out "naturally" or "taking what is given without your desire or control."
After all, in the senses I am mentioning, determining for yourself what you desire and what action to take is the essence of freedom and success, nothing else is better in that sense.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.
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Wednesday, 26 August 2020
How to Become Rich While You Are Still Young
I would like to edit the topic question: How can I get rich on my own while I am still young? One can get rich through inheritance as well. Therefore, I'm not considering inherited wealth. How do you create wealth on your own? It's not easy. You will have to work really hard. If luck favors, you will be rich sooner. Luck, I mean favorable conditions.
The difficult part: The rule of compound rate of growth and the initial point of your trajectory.
Zero never gives you growth. Whatever the rate of growth you apply zero always remains zero. First, you have to enter into the positive zone. The initial amount is the biggest impact on your wealth. Therefore, you have to earn this big initial amount at the earliest. For example, you invest $1 at a compound rate of 10%, approximately after 14 years it will become $4, at the end of 21.5 years it will become $8. You will be rich by $8. At the same time, if your initial investment is $1,000,000, you will get $8,000,000 at the end of 21.5 years at 10% compound rate (800% of initial investment). The co-ordinate point from where your trajectory takes place is very important.
Wise investment will make you rich:
If you are able to get a higher rate of growth you will get rich sooner. In the previous example we considered only 10% compounded growth. In fact, you can get higher rate if you invest your money wisely. When I was young I invested in a mutual fund (tax scheme, lock-in period of 3 years) an amount of $5000 in order to get tax relief. After 3 years, the NAV was 500% of the initial offer price. I got $25,000. Had I invested more on this investment I would have been rich at 28. That was a favorable time in life. It's rare in life. You may get this kind of favorable conditions 3 or 4 times in your life. 3 or 4, because you missed some in the past and you might miss some more in the future. Identifying such conditions is the key to become rich. In general, young people will miss out the first chance or even more as I missed. You will miss out early chances if your mind is engaged in non-financial activities. Only experience will teach you.
Short term investments will not make you richer:
Time is another important deciding factor. Accumulation takes its own time. Time and higher rate of compounded growth rate will make you rich. If you want to be rich in 7 years, then the growth rate has to be much higher. If your target is $ 1,000,000,000 and now you have only $100, then every year it has to grow 10 times in order to reach your target. That is an extraordinary growth rate. So it is quite difficult to become a billionaire with an investment of $100. The probability is very, very low. Therefore, don't set an unrealistic target. Allow time to accumulate your wealth.
People surrounding you is another important factor:
99% of the people surrounding you will make you to spend your money. My dad asked me money to invest in plantain crop. I gave him the money he asked for. After 1 year he told me that the entire plantain crop was flattened by the monsoon wind. The return he got was zero. My money was also gone in the wind.
My uncle advised me to buy a car when I was 25. I did not have enough money to buy a car. I had to borrow money. I would have got a bank loan easily. Somehow, I postponed the idea of buying a car at that time which was really an unwanted thing. That decision was good and made me richer now.
One of my neighbors was ready to sell his house and offered me a price. I did not have money at that time. I had only half of the money. I would have got a bank loan for the remaining amount. Somehow, I declined the offer. That was really, really a bad decision I made in my life. That investment would have fetched me 100000% profit by now. This is another favorable condition that I missed out.
Do no invest in stock market without learning the basics
Once I bought 100 share of a company(IT). Each share costed me 1200. Within 6 months, the market price reached 3600. I did not sell it thinking that it was a value stock. I decided to hold long. The next month, it started coming down due to some head wind. The entire stock market was nose diving. My stock reached to the bottom of issued price of 40 or 45. I lost all my money. Yet, I did not sell it because there was nothing to lose more. I waited, and waited for 7 years patiently to see the price going up to 85. During this period, the company had been correcting and consolidating its market share. I bought more shares of the same company. After 10 years, now it is trading at its previous peak.
Another stock that I invested along with the above mentioned at around 45 had not climbed even to 100 in the initial 10 year period. In the next 3 years, it climbed to 250. In the following 3 years, it crossed 1000 and now trading at around 1500.
Yet, there are other stocks that had never been able to raise their head after the collapse.
This is how stocks behave in the market. There are reasons why they behave so. You have to learn the basics.
My advice is a mindful living. Study your surroundings and look for favorable conditions. Invest time and money to improve yourself which will always help you. One favorable condition is enough to make you rich. Be mindful. Don't miss it.
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Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Making An Income While Making an Impact
The major purpose of any business is income generation. Too many of us miss seeing the most important part of building a business which is to create an impact or influence among the lives of our customers. We are too busy on how to make a profit rather than to have a significant contribution to the economy.
While we want to generate income for our business, creating an impact is what makes our business to the next level. Impact creates passive income. When you create something that helps people and makes an impact on their lives, that impact will keep the sales continually flowing.
Impact builds your brand and business. In the competitive world of business, the best way to stand out is to focus on the impact you can make, not by being a clone. Word of mouth is the strongest form of marketing because people are getting exposed to you and your business through people they trust. This is the best way to build a brand.
Impact can change lives. Too many products and services are created with the main goal of creating income. They usually don't stand the test of time. The best way to survive a crisis to have an impact on sustainable community development. By doing so, we are able to make a legacy and legacy builds loyalty; thereby, increasing revenues of an enterprise.
When your business has a hand in changing someone's life, they become a walking testimonial and constant marketing campaign. The world of entrepreneurship is flooded with hype, so when someone sees the real thing, they won't hesitate to buy.
The benefits of a business can be even greater if you shift the focus away from simply making money. Your business will be worthwhile just like other companies that have stood the test of time.
When you create products and services that make a real difference in people's lives, you separate yourself from everyone else. When you make an impact on people's lives in a positive way, you create life-long customers that become your company's evangelist.
Although huge profits can powerfully influence our thoughts and actions in ways that we're often not aware of, no matter our economic circumstances, the impact of our business still counts.
Intuitively, one would think that a higher income produces better results, but in reality, it's the other way around. When unemployment is high and the economy is stagnant, dynamic entrepreneurship could help turn the economy around. By developing a marketing niche, new firms can boost demand, which could in turn facilitate new employment opportunities; thereby, reducing unemployment.
In essence, the more the business is concerned with the community, the more stable and sustainable it becomes because of the long-term impact it brings in terms of employment and income.
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Monday, 24 August 2020
Today - What If It Was Your Last One!
I know, the title might sound a bit morbid but think about it, today is the last day for over 7500 people who live in the US. Add other countries to the results - and the number is over 150,000. WOW - and one of these today - wasn't you! Over 6500 US citizens are currently turning 65 every day... are you one of them? Well, if you are lucky someday you will be. So, Tim, where are you going with this article? That question after less than 15 seconds of your life is exactly the point I will try and make. So, to save some of your time so you don't have to read the entire article since I'm sure you have better or more important things to browse on your phone or computer... let's assume for a moment you don't have another tomorrow. Yes, you have had all of your yesterdays but today is your last day. Will you spend it on your device browsing Facebook, Twitter, etc.? Will you spend it in front of the TV watching your favorite sports team? Will you spend it working out at your local gym?
Will you spend it at work earning money that you will never get to spend? Stupid questions or assumptions? No - remember I said today is the last one you get here and then it's... Bye Bye.
So, I'll ask you one more time, how will you spend today if you knew it was your last one?
OK, now you can go back to whatever it was you were doing or want to do instead of reading. For everyone else, I would like you to consider a few basic premises. You can agree or disagree with any or all of them - your choice:
One - sooner or later we will be one of the above statistics - we are out of here.
Two - No one knows when, how or where it will end for them.
Three - You will leave here with some regrets and some unfinished business.
Four - It's only a matter of time before you and your life will no longer be at the forefront of other's lives you left behind.
Five - Where you are headed next will be related to how you lived while you were here.
Six - While here you touched some people in a positive way and others in a negative way.
Seven - On your last day you can't fix all the mistakes or failures you made while here.
Eight - You will never know what legacy you left behind you.
I'll let you come up with numbers nine and ten...
Nine -
Ten -
Life is short and fragile and it's unfortunate that far too many of us, and I include myself in this group, wait far too long to fix things, change things, do things, undo things, etc. And for many of us, we will never have that opportunity, so I would like to leave you with three quick thoughts: If you knew ahead of time you were leaving today - 1) what would you try and fix? 2)Who would you spend your time with and 3)
How would you spend your time with them?
Don't wait too long or put too much stuff off till later- none of us knows the when...
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Sunday, 23 August 2020
The Invisible Backpack - Travel Light to Travel Far
Cesare Pavese says, "If you want to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears."
We all travel through life with memories, experiences, and stories that serve as the backdrop of our lives. We approach each new encounter carrying an invisible backpack filled with everything we believe we need to successfully navigate through life. If we took a careful look in our backpacks, we would find joyful memories, satisfying aha moments, financial successes, hopes, and dreams. These are packed side by side with sadness, unforgiveness, losses, and fears. Even though our lives are filled with a cornucopia of experiences, often we discount the good and amplify the bad.
Psychologists have discovered that in spite of the good things we have accomplished, negative emotions are processed in a different hemisphere in the brain than positive emotions. Because of this, negative emotions require more thinking and more information to resolve. In addition, Professor Roy Baumeister, co-author of Bad is Stronger than Good, discovered that bad experiences have more impact on us than good ones. This makes it easy for us to forget the things for which we are grateful.
To lighten our bags and empty our invisible backpacks so we can travel fast, we must unpack the negative beliefs, unforgiving attitudes we have justified hanging onto and the "they did me wrong" stories. We must eliminate as many of the things that weigh us down as we can.
Start transforming your life and unpacking your backpack by doing the following:
Remember the Good that happens to you. Five (5) good things will change one (1) negative experience. This is an excellent time to start a Gratitude Journal or a "Daily Miracle Journal." List five or more things for which you are grateful. In gratitude, there are no limits; there are no big or small miracles. There is only gratitude. In a year, you will have from 365 - 1,825 "daily" miracles.
Brag Lists. Create a list of things you have accomplished that you can brag about. Try to list seven things. Keep this list readily available and review it weekly at a minimum. Your brag list will remind you that in the midst of every new storm that you are pretty amazing and have already conquered many storms. When life whispers "You cannot withstand the storm." You reply, "I AM the storm."
Identify the Miracle. Each experience brings with it a litany of lessons and blessings. List the lessons learned, the insights gained. If you cannot change the situation, use the lessons learned and the ideas gained so you can change how you think about it. Asking yourself how you can grow from this experience will help you find the golden nugget in the midst of what you perceived to be darkness.
Now your bags are lighter. What is your next stop?
Get on-board. Your dream is waiting.
Dream Big! Live the life you have imagined.
Remember, life is too short to drink cheap champagne.
Stephanie, a Success Mindset Mentor & Transformational Specialist, has the uncanny ability to help others break through toxic emotions and heal the residue left from traumatic experiences that are causing them to sabotage their success. She has an insatiable appetite for helping others achieve the impossible. She lives her inspiration as the founder of The Champagne Connection, Inc., the author of 3 books and the Host of the television show "A Sip of Inspiration". Her superpower: Transforming Lives
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Saturday, 22 August 2020
Wealth & Abundance - Finding Where You Are Already Rich
Every soul on this earth is rich in some life area which they can tap into in order to make other life areas work well also. How does it work? How will you make it happen? Read on to find out.
Looking at my own life and self-analyzing, I feel there is much to be grateful about - access to groceries, confectionery, medicine, stationery, photocopying and the list goes on. They are all within walking distances. And then there is access to water, electricity and gas inside our home, which we don't have to worry about. In our home, there is also WI-FI internet connection and I have a laptop from which I can browse anything whenever I want. These are some areas in my life that are really rich.
I used to be a faculty member in a private university but I don't work any longer due to some unavoidable circumstances. I have reached my forties but I am still single - never married. My relationships with the people I live - my mom and brother often become sour and that makes me sad. These are some of the life areas I have to improve on.
Where I am rich is that I have a wealthy mindset and the immense power to imagine. I never run out of amenities. Where I lack is the closeness with my own folks and other intimate people - the reason being I am an introvert; I stay silent and suffer in silence.
How can I make my wealthy mindset work to make other life areas rich? One possibility that comes to my mind is to network with people both online and offline and meet people. That gives me the opportunity to meet my soulmate. And then I can leave my original home for good where my relationships suffer.
What has this got to do with a wealthy mindset? My would-be soulmate will be happy to know I am independent and can stand on my own feet. I can also work again having my expertise. It's a plus for me. I can still have access to all the local stores in my new area and bond with the people there. I can continue to network and make new friends and enrich my life further.
Together with my soulmate, we can venture out into the world, explore new areas and settle down with a dream home along with dream careers. We can start burgeoning a family of our own. My wealthy mindset and powerful imagination both help to make these desirable elements a genuine reality.
Yes, I will thrive once again, this time not partnering with my old folks but with my soulmate. Together we will dream, hold a vision and work out a prospective work/life balance. That one day is only over the horizon and I know I can reach it because every fiber of my being says so. Ha ha!
Rosina S Khan has authored this article. For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories, amazing self-help eBooks, commendable articles, quality scholar papers and valuable blogs, all authored by her, and much more, visit: You will be glad that you did.
If you would rather like to access her terrific collection of eBooks based only on fiction and self-help and download them for free, visit: You won't be disappointed and remember to like her Facebook page.
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Friday, 21 August 2020
No Pain, No Gain - Did You Agree to That?
No Pain. No Gain.
Anyone else find that saying obnoxious? Or, dead wrong.
Okay, so I have to admit, I do not like to sweat. I detest a drippy, sweaty body, where your clothes stick to you and everything is damp.
One minute you're hot, the next you're damp and chilly.
I do realize this discomfort gets in the way of exercise, moving my body in a way that is healthy.
I get it. And, I have to remind myself that I live in a modern house, with two showers available to me. What's the big deal with sweat!
But, since when did we decide to apply this motto to everything? The belief that we must endure pain and stress to achieve professional excellence and a fulfilling, successful life?
No Pain, No Gain.
Did You Agree to That?
Ever ask yourself why you believe you must suffer to achieve success? Why you must work hard and endure vast amounts of stress to gain?
In past years, the concept was meant only to apply to exercise. It promised greater value and reward for the price of hard, or even, painful work.
Jane Fonda, back in 1982 brought the idea into prominence, along with the other catchphrase, "Feel the Burn" where she promised that muscle soreness was the result of working out past the point of experiencing muscle aches. You built muscle and endurance that way, according to her.
But, would it surprise you to know the concept of "No pain, no gain" has been in existence way before 1982?
In fact, the belief dates back to the beginning of the second century in which the term was interpreted to be a spiritual lesson; without the pain in doing what God commands, there is no spiritual gain.
David B. Morris wrote this in The Scientist in 2005, "'No pain, no gain' is an American modern mini-narrative: it compresses the story of a protagonist who understands that the road to achievement runs only through hardship." He described it as being a modern form of Puritanism.
But, let's go back to the idea that "no pain, no gain," when applied to everything, only guarantees that life and achievement will be filled with stress and suffering.
Who truly wants that? Certainly not me!
Life on planet Earth was meant to be about happiness, joy and connection. Not suffering and pain.
We are meant to thrive, grow, be creative, change, and reproduce.
So, why would we intentionally invite pain into our lives?
What makes us humans agree to suffer to live a life of meaning?
You might be thinking, at this point, "Wait a minute, Joan! But, it does take pain, toil and hard work to attain anything of value or importance. The only way I have truly gotten anywhere is by painstakingly hard work! Nothing of value has come easy, and when it does, it means less to me."
Yes, I do recognize that many things in life do not come easy, nor without putting our shoulder to the grindstone, so to speak.
Getting a bit sweaty. Pushing past resistance. Pressing forth to new growth.
However, what I'd like to suggest is that "pain" is not a natural outcome of gain.
Instead, pain is a wake up call - a spiritual lesson.
When pain enters your life, it gives you the opportunity to ask, "Why are you here? What lesson am I to learn? What is it I am meant to change or shift?"
My belief, one that has taken years to formulate, is that pain only shows up in my life to WAKE ME UP!
Again, and again, over the years, as I suffered my way through an unhappy marriage, toxic job environments, hurtful relationships, and a drive to succeed in my chosen field, I have found out in the long haul that pain was unnecessary.
Except, I thought I had to have pain to get there. To achieve. To have an abundant, fruitful career.
Until, a serious health challenge woke me up!
Hey, Joan, hello! What are you doing? Did you know there's an easier, more fruitful, and fulfilling way?
Dang straight there is - and the pain was my guide. If I was in pain, emotionally, physically, or spiritually, it was my opportunity to listen, and to shift, change, or let go.
How about for you? Is it time you gave up the tired, old motto, "No Pain, No Gain?" Because, other than a very narrow use in exercise (and, not all exercise, mind you), PAIN IS SIMPLY A WAKE UP CALL.
Are you listening?
It's okay to ask for help! There is no gain in money management if you expect to be in pain. Ever wonder how to live a pain-free money life? Well then, Let's talk Because... Tidying Up Does Include Money! Email to learn more today.
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Thursday, 20 August 2020
Systematic and Unsystematic Risks: How to Mitigate Them
There are always risks in the business world. Understanding these risks enables us to seek the most effective approaches to mitigate them. What are these risks and how can they be categorized?
There are two major components of risk: systematic and unsystematic. Let's explore each risk and learn the best way to mitigate it.
Systematic Risk
Systematic risk, also known as "market risk" or "un-diversifiable risk", is a result of external and uncontrollable variables, which are not industry or security specific. Generally unavoidable, it affects the entire market leading to the fluctuation in prices of all the securities. The risk can be attributed to a number of broad economic factors such as inflation, changes in interest rates, fluctuations in currencies, recessions, etc.
Since systematic risks cannot be controlled, investors can avoid them by staying away from all risky investments.
Financial Planning- Mitigating Systematic Risk
Systematic risks can be mitigated with certain courses of action. How can they be mitigated?
Asset allocation can partially mitigate systematic risks. Owning different asset categories (i.e. bonds, cash, commodities, etc.) with low or zero correlation helps because they reach differently to macroeconomic factors; some asset categories may increase and others may fall.
Asset allocation should also be adjusted according to valuations. Investments that are overpriced should be avoided or owned less. When mitigating systematic risks within a diversified portfolio, cash may be the most important and under-appreciated asset category.
Another way to reduce systematic risk is through hedging. Investors can use options such as purchasing protective puts on their securities. A protective put is risk-management strategy that investors use to guard against the loss of unrealized gains. Put value will rise if securities value drops. However, options are for a certain time and once they expire, investors need to buy new ones to stay hedged.
Unsystematic Risk
In contrast, unsystematic risk refers to risk factors that are specific to a company, industry and sector, and can be controlled to a certain degree. These factors include a company's management, financial practices, financial health, and its competitive position in the market.
Financial Planning- Mitigating Unsystematic Risk
Unsystematic risk can be reduced by diversifying. To achieve this, the investor can diversify its product portfolio so the revenues are not solely dependent from a few products only. Much risk is reduced when an investor's risk is spread among different industries (such as banking or healthcare) and asset classes. For example, if an investor owns a diversified portfolio of more than 10 individual investments as opposed to only one, the damage done to their portfolio is minimized when something negative happens to some of the companies.
Again, unsystematic risk can be nearly eliminated by diversification as it is not correlated to market risk.
Both systematic and unsystematic risks are part and parcel of businesses. Through risk management solutions as mentioned above, these risks can be partially mitigated, and investors will be able to see an increase in portfolio returns and optimization in investment portfolio.
Financial Planning Singapore
For more advice on risk management solutions, you may stay connected to our blog article.
Financial Alliance is an independent financial advisory firm that provides its clients with sound and objective financial advice to protect and grow their wealth. Providing top-notch services to both corporations and individuals, Financial Alliance is a trusted brand in Singapore and has been navigating its clients' financial future for 15 years.
For more information about Financial Alliance, click on the link: Important: The information and opinions in this article are for general information purposes only. They should not be relied on as professional financial advice. Readers should seek independent financial advice that is customised to their specific financial objectives, situations & needs.
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Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Why Investing Is Important
Investing has become increasingly important over the years, as the future of social security benefits becomes unknown.
People want to insure their futures, and they know that if they are depending on Social Security benefits, and in some cases retirement plans, that they may be in for a rude awakening when they no longer have the ability to earn a steady income. Investing is the answer to the unknowns of the future.
You may have been saving money in a low interest savings account over the years. Now, you want to see that money grow at a faster pace. Perhaps you've inherited money or realized some other type of windfall, and you need a way to make that money grow. Again, investing is the answer.
Investing is also a way of attaining the things that you want, such as a new home, a college education for your children, or expensive 'toys.' Of course, your financial goals will determine what type of investing you do.
If you want or need to make a lot of money fast, you would be more interested in higher risk investing, which will give you a larger return in a shorter amount of time. If you are saving for something in the far off future, such as retirement, you would want to make safer investments that grow over a longer period of time.
The overall purpose in investing is to create wealth and security, over a period of time. It is important to remember that you will not always be able to earn an income... you will eventually want to retire.
You also cannot count on the social security system to do what you expect it to do. As we have seen with Enron, you also cannot necessarily depend on your company's retirement plan either. So, again, investing is the key to insuring your own financial future, but you must make smart investments!
Many people like to rely on 401K plans and other investments to supplement their retirement savings. This is a good practice because Social Security may not exist after the year 2029. It is never to early to start investing in Stocks and Bonds on your own. It is, however, very important to talk to a qualified Financial Advisor before you spend any money investing.
So contact a Financial Advisor such as a qualified Stock Broker and discuss your financial future with them.
You can find more articles on investing at Investments in stocks and bonds are discussed in greater length there.
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Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Don't Fall for Dishonest Deals
Everybody needs money. Most people are concerned with building wealth, but it seems that everybody wants YOUR money. Many people have answered ads to earn money online or through various other methods. Once you send for information, you get on someone's list and are likely to be bombarded with emails daily espousing one program or another.
There must be some actual money makers out there that work for people, and some people have become super rich using them. However, there are also numerous scams where people are trying to "steal" your money. Some may even think they are doing something legitimate, but they are most generally basically trying to line their own pockets.
This is an actual email received recently.
Hi there. Do you want to earn $5,000 in the next 30 minutes? Seriously, you read that correct. How about 15k within a single day? Congratulations! You have been selected to access THIS privately.
Then there was a link which was supposedly to provide immediate deposits upon activation. Who wouldn't want to earn $5,000 in the next 30 minutes for doing virtually nothing? It claims that you can easily earn $15k or even $20k within the next five days. Does this sound too good to be true? Of course, it does. Most certainly, this is likely to be a scam trying to get people's money. Usually these programs will definitely not work, and they are just a way for people to try and get your money.
Another email which is likely a scam is below:
At midnight yesterday the doors were closed on what could be the biggest profit opportunity ever offered to our readers... But you are lucky - because those who missed out are forcing us to reopen it one more time. Fair warning, though... if you miss THIS chance to potentially double your money every day (or more), it's not our fault---it's yours. Check this out and join NOW.
Here is another suspicious email:
Just one more step left and you can collect your commissions deposit of $15,000.00. Approve your deposit HERE. Once you have approved it, the transfer will take 2-3 days to hit your personal account...
Oh, if only it were true and you could believe what you read. You need to do research before you send any money to those people who are asking you to try this deal or that. There are so many dishonest people thinking only of themselves.
During World War II, the Japanese American people who were living on the West Coast of the continental United States were forced from their homes and incarcerated in camps in desolate areas of the country. They lost their livelihood, and most lost their savings. They were in a desperate state of affairs. They learned the value of money and the hardship of not having a way to earn money. Many people suffered. Yet they may have learned from the experience that money is not easy to come by and that it often takes hard work to earn it.
People who have suffered financial hardship such as the Japanese Americans did are usually more careful in parting with their money. They should be more concerned with scams and being cheated out of their money.
There are many people in the world who have had financial struggles and are looking for a way to earn extra money. Although some may be anxious to find a "get rich quick" scheme, most just want an honest way of making some money. Finding a legitimate opportunity besides a regular job is not as easy as some would have you believe.
It takes hard work and dedication to find something that works. Not falling for scams and unworkable schemes may be a challenge. Study out the situation and try to find the opinions of others about it before parting with your hard earned money. Don't believe everything you hear or read. Do your due diligence to make sure that you do not lose money unnecessarily. Don't fall for dishonest deals or scams.
A book of speeches and articles about the Japanese American story includes facts about the mistreatment of Japanese Americans during World War II including losing their homes and property as well as their jobs. This was a period when the Constitution did not protect innocent citizens and immigrants who faced severe prejudice and racism. The book covers civil rights issues and is available on Amazon. Information on the book and other related books may be found at the website:
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Monday, 17 August 2020
If It Is Possible For Someone Else, It Is Also Possible For You
I have found that anyone can do anything someone else has accomplished and more. In 1998 I experience a quantum shift in paradigms. I went from disbelieving to believing. This took place due to me changing my philosophy. I shifted my pessimistic thinking to optimistic thinking.
It is not my intention to attenuate anyone's personal continuity. It is my intention to help everyone recognize the many things that may be impeding their growth, success, and happiness. There are many motivational speakers that educate people all over the world to becoming structured and successful.
Motivational gurus have helped millions of people find their inner power and purpose. There are many books out there that show people how to construct their dreams and make them a reality. There are other books that show people that their number one adversary would be themselves. The only competition people have in their life would be the competition they create for themselves.
Most people have no Idea how fortunate they are to be living in the United States right now. You are at the right place at the right time. This is still the land of opportunity, but you must become acclimated to new thoughts and ideas if you are to recognize the opportunities that surround you each and every day.
When motivational speakers address audiences from all around the world, they find that they all have the same thing in common, they all want something more in life. I feel at one time someone that they respected highly told them that it was not OK to dream any longer and they bought into it. This is a crime, for most of us use to dream of being doctors, nurses, race car drivers, police officers, firefighters, astronauts, Presidents, baseball, and football players. So, what happened? I feel that our parents stopped dreaming and since they never achieved their dreams they felt it was safe telling us that dreams are for the chosen people. The truth of the matter is that we are all considered the chosen people and we all were given the highest power ever given to a living creature on the planet. We were all given the power to CHOOSE! Now that you are aware of this fact, what are you going to do with your life. You can choose to stay the way you are, or you can choose to do something extraordinary with your life. It is never too late to make your dreams come true.
If you want a chance at accomplishing some of your most thought of dreams you will want to pick up my book "The Manufacturing Of A Dream" where it shows you how to build your dreams from scratch and make them take shape and finally happen. Just go to
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Sunday, 16 August 2020
Saturday, 15 August 2020
Friday, 14 August 2020
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Monday, 10 August 2020
Sunday, 9 August 2020
Mindset Vs Skill - How to Succeed in Business
If you are a small business owner and you are looking for the "secret strategy" to change your business, you could spend all of your time in search of strategy. For example, scroll through Facebook and you will see the 100's of trainers, coaches and experts who are trying to sell you the latest "gadget" for success.
Stop enrolling in every Free Group and Free Download that you see. You are WASTING your time by chasing a shiny new object that is just not out there.
Learn the skills you need, know your audience, and stay plugged in to your industry. After that? It's all about Mindset.
How do you know if you have a mindset problem?
You keep searching for the "right" skill, the "right" training or that "right" coach that will give you the Magic Pill or Secret Sauce for success. Here are a few examples that might indicate you have a mindset problem:
Complain about the success of others
Enroll in every course/training you see on social media
Continue to ask for the Right Words to describe your product or what you do
Buy every planner in search of a better system
Always busy but not completing Income Producing Activities
Not consistent in small, daily activities
If you are searching constantly for skills, then you don't believe in yourself or your business. To succeed, you need the mindset component along with the skills.
Subconscious Mind
Your Subconscious Mind runs the show based on unfiltered information known as beliefs. Your Mind believes everything that you think. For example, when you say these things, your mind believes it:
Why am I so stupid?
I will never get that promotion.
I'm not very pretty.
I'm not smart enough.
I'll never be successful like "Suzy".
Each and every time you say these phrases out loud and in your mind, your brain believes the statement! Next, you must learn how to change your mindset.
How to Change Your Mindset?
If we know that changing our mindset is key, then why are we not doing it? And most importantly how do we change our mindset? It's not easy, but keep it simple and you can Change Your Mindset!
There are several recommendations that I can make for changing your mindset.
Personal Development?-?I highly recommend Mel Robbins and her resources.
Daily Affirmations! Write them on your bathroom mirror or maybe a Pinterest board.
Eliminate Distractions and get new friends
Don't allow yourself to say negative things about yourself
Make it an everyday habit
To get the life you want, you must let go of old limiting beliefs. Tackle the mindset beliefs that are keeping you from moving forward, keeping you from reaching your greatness!
If you have a small business, please know that you must have the skills for your business. But, you must also have the right mindset for success. You need skills and mindset!
How do you continually feed your mindset?
Dr. Olivieri is a communication and presentation expert who has given over 1,000 presentations and written 100+ training manuals, articles and reports. Dr. Olivieri retired in 2017 at age 51 from Mississippi State University where she worked in Information Technology Infrastructure and taught in the College of Business. Today, Dr Olivieri helps others create a life they love! Join the conversation on Facebook at:
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Saturday, 8 August 2020
8 Outstanding Tools to Be More Productive Every Day
1. Flat Tomato - Time Management Tool
The flat tomato application employs the Pomodoro technique to help you accomplish more in a more effective way. The Pomodoro technique is one of the oldest concepts in queuing theory designed in the 80's by Francesco Cirillo. It uses a timer to break down complex work into simple tasks with 25 minute intervals for each. At the end of every interval, there is a short break referred to as Pomodoro, hence the name.
The flat tomato is a time management tool that employs this technique in breaking down your project into 25 minute intervals. By employing the Pomodoro technique, the flat tomato helps you to improve your concentration on a project. It helps you to avoid distractions while working on a project by breaking down the project into 25-minute intervals. When the timer goes off after 25 minutes, take a break from the project. When you resume after the break, you will be more refreshed, energized and focused. This way, you can concentrate for long hours without getting fatigued.
2. Trello - Project Planner
The Trello project planner enables you to plan, organize and prioritize your tasks in a fun, flexible and smart way. This tool can help you organize anything in your life, ranging from job-related tasks, planning a party or even planning your long-term life goals. The Trello project planner tool uses cards and boards with the board representing the event and each task represented by the cards. For instance, if you are planning a party, the board represents the party while the cards can represent events like booking a venue, shopping, sending out invitations among others. Further, this tool has an option for you to add anyone who can help you in the event. For instance, if your friends want to help you plan the above party, you can add them to the application. In addition, it has amazing graphics and visuals to make the planning process fun and interesting.
Features of the Trello project planner
The tool has a quick overview feature for all the tasks in the project.
It comes with easy organization tools containing tags, categories, and labels.
Contains a checklist with a progress meter.
Comes with a dateline reminder tool to help you meet your datelines.
Contains a data filtering feature for easy editing of the data.
3. Google Calendar
With the Google calendar tool, it is easy to keep track of life's most important events all in one place. The tool allows one to create a calendar of events of the most important tasks in a day, week or month. For instance, a company CEO can create a calendar of all meetings he/she must attend. Similarly, a socialite can create a calendar of all parties that she must attend. The calendar is stored in Google's cloud system, hence it is always available on the web, unlike the traditional calendar which must be accessed through the computer or phone.
4. 30/30 - Task Manager
Planning is an important aspect of completing any task, but sometimes, it is hard to predict all tasks with certainty. Thus, all you need is to set a start period and end period and this tool is great for that. With the 30/30 planning tool, you can manage your to-do list by assigning times for all the tasks, then start the time. When the timer goes off, simply switch the tasks. This way, you can avoid the temptation of over concentrating on one task, especially in cases where some tasks are more fun and interesting to accomplish. Thus, with this tool, you can divide your time to allocate equal time intervals to all the tasks.
5. Google Drive/Google Form
Accomplishing a project on time requires you to visualize, plan and track every step of the way and this is exactly what Google drive forms can help you attain. With the forms, you can outline all the tasks in the project, every activity during the tasks and expected completion date. The forms indicate the start and end period for each project. Hence, at every stage, you can compare the expected completion date with the actual completion date, compare the two and outline the reasons for the difference. Normally, a huge difference between the expected completion date and actual completion date can tell whether the project is on-time or there are delays and corrective actions can be undertaken.
Also, with these forms, you can identify the critical path, which is the shortest path that can be used to complete the project within the shortest time possible. You can also share the documents with your team, a customer or any other concerned parties. Hence, this is a great tool for planning, whether you are working on a personal project, completing your day-to-day activities or making long-term life goals. Also, you can save and share all forms in Google drive.
6. Remember the milk - Thing-To-Do Application
Remember the milk is one of the most basic thing-to-do application, but also one of the most effective. With this tool, you can break down complex tasks by creating tasks, dividing the tasks into sub-tasks and then, organizing the tasks creating multiple lists for the sub-tasks. Further, the application includes powerful tools for searching and a smart list to improve your organization. It can also integrate with most project planning tools like Google calendar, Gmail, Twitter and Evernote among other tools.
Ease of organizing the tasks and sub lists to ensure each task is integrated into the main project.
Enables you to set the start and due dates, hence ensuring you can complete the project on time. Further, it outlines the recurrent tasks.
It has a dashboard which can help you prioritize the tasks, hence you can distinguish between emergency, high-priority and urgent tasks.
It can integrate perfectly with other planning tools and applications.
7. Password - Keeping Passwords Secure
Remembering and keeping passwords secure is one of the tasks that can waste your time and reduce your productivity. Some people prefer to use one password for computer logins, social media networks, phone, work emails, personal emails, and other sites, which increases your risk of exposure to hacking. Thus, with this application, you can keep track of every password that you have. This way, when you need to retrieve the password, simply go to the application and get it, rather than wasting time trying to remember, or searching for the password in your diary, or even resetting the password on the site which might waste your time.
8. Workflow
Tasks like sending texts, calling Uber, or even uploading photos on your social media networks can waste your time. Luckily, with the workflow application, you can automate such tasks. The application allows you to customize your phone, this way you can tell your phone what to do when you realize you need something done.
To recap, setting a goal is one thing, but its achievement is a totally different thing. Most people get overwhelmed by the tasks needed to be accomplished in any activity. With these project tools, you can plan, organize and work on the tasks needed to achieve the desired goal, thus help you get more done within a short duration.
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Friday, 7 August 2020
Your Subconscious Mind And Why It Is So Important
Then there is your subconscious mind which never sleeps. It remembers everything and will hold all of your values and beliefs. It shapes who you are and whether you will be successful or not. Fortunately you can change what is stored in your subconscious mind.
Your Subconscious doesn't care about Good and Bad
Perhaps "doesn't care" is not the right term - unable to distinguish between good and bad is probably more appropriate. Your subconscious mind will accept any information that you feed into it. The more that you think and act on that information the stronger it becomes.
Here is an example. If you had a bad experience in your life then this can become an irrational fear in your subconscious mind. Let's say that you were forced to speak in public and it didn't go well. You were extremely embarrassed by this event and you do not want to experience this again.
So you create a belief in your subconscious that you cannot do public speaking. You avoid every possible opportunity to speak in public and this strengthens the belief in your subconscious. This is a bad thing for you but your subconscious doesn't care. All it wants to do is protect you.
If you have negative thoughts about a specific thing or event then this will form a limiting belief in your subconscious mind. So if you have a goal to find a higher paying job then one of the skills that you will need is likely to be the ability to speak in public.
Your Conscious Mind is the Gatekeeper
Everything that is in your subconscious mind has been allowed to end up there via your conscious mind. So if you continually have negative thoughts about public speaking then you are telling your subconscious mind to protect you from it.
The good news here is that you can change your thoughts in your conscious mind to remove or replace limiting beliefs in your subconscious. This is something that you will need to work on and it is not magic. You need to be persistent if you want to make changes to your subconscious.
Neutralize Negative Thoughts
You can neutralize the negative thoughts that you experience with positive ones. So if you have a thought that says "I can never speak in public" you can neutralize this with "I can speak in public because I can do anything".
By neutralizing your negative thoughts in this way you will send the right signals to your subconscious mind to pave the way to change any limiting beliefs. The next step in the process is to show your subconscious that you really mean business by taking action.
Tackle your Irrational Fears
Whatever irrational fears you have the best way to tackle them is to just do it anyway. So if you have a fear of public speaking then get out there and do some public speaking! You can start in a small way with a friendly audience. Learn as much as you can about the subject and practice regularly.
Learn How to Create Your Own Future at the author's website JustVisualizeIt.Today. Read More Online with Articles on Visualization, Law of Attraction, Affirmations, Creative Visualization, Manifestation, Vision Boards,
free creative visualization resources, plus download free mind movies and try the world's number one visualization tool. visit today Click Here. Leon Edward 's intention is help people awaken their inner potential, subconscious mind power and to make people aware of the unlimited power they were given at birth.
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Thursday, 6 August 2020
Three Reasons the Rich Get Richer
In other words, successful financial planning must be "process-driven" instead of "product-driven".
So, what do the wealthiest 1% of the population do that the rest do not?
1. They Keep Score. If you want to manage your wealth, you need to be able to measure it. The rich are masters at getting what they want, and their number one objective is building a substantial net worth and multiple sources of income so they can shift their focus to higher-level pursuits, such as personal fulfillment, freedom and philanthropy. Wealthy people have a healthy obsession with getting what they want, which includes money. They know what their values are and know how to set goals that are achievable. Materialism is only part of their motivation; the strongest for most is the freedom to do what they want, when they want. Winners love to win, and the elation they experience after victory never gets old.
2. They Know the Rules of the Game. The wealthiest 1% of the population calculate the highest and best use of specific assets and then make a decision to buy or sell based on that calculation. Any financial decision you make must be considered thoroughly because of the impact that it has on your whole financial picture and how it may affect other assets you own. It is critical to understand asymmetric risk - minimizing your downside risk, while having a much greater upside potential. When trying to decide what financial products make sense to use in your financial plan, you just need to copy the characteristics that the wealthiest 1% of the population use in their plans and apply them to your own situation! Here are the characteristics:
Systematic flow of money into the plan
Superior returns on your money
Availability of money when you need it
Minimize taxes on accumulation of money
Minimize taxes on distribution of money
Easy distribution of your money
Protection from loss due to death or disability
Minimize potential losses of your money
Flexibility to change your plan
3. They focus on money-making activities. Rich people focus most their attention on money-making activities they enjoy. More importantly, they understand how to use of leverage for success and wealth accumulation. Since people who successfully employ leverage accomplish exponentially more in the same amount of time than people who do not take advantage of this powerful tool, they tend to have more free time and not only greater financial resources, but more balanced and fulfilling lives. Leverage allows us to build more wealth than we could ever achieve alone by tapping on various other resources, and extend our potential "reach" beyond our personal resources (cash, time, experience etc.) via the "force multiplier" effect.
At the end of the day, one does not need to be among the richest people in America to live quite comfortably. However, to be more successful with your money, all you need to do is copy what the wealthiest people do with their money and you can be certain to have financial peace of mind.
MoneyRx: Your Prescription for Financial Success is now available on Weekly blog at
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Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Not Following The Crowd
So, we all love to win, even the best and worst of us. Who loves to pay genuinely at all creative costs for what they win though? That is why the very concept of cheating exists as a reality in the minds of most people. "Follow the crowd, steal what you can and get it 'all' quick and easy without the work" is the subliminal reality presented to us all in society.
The underlying genuine reality still remains there, though. To win you must journey the full journey of the originator ultimately, whatever the temporary disappointments to really get the real goal. All cheating leads to false escapes and disappointments that are permanent in that sense anyway. In that sense, I can honestly, and factually say that only the weakest people are genuine cheaters and the strongest people create value from the ground up regardless of what others, including the cheaters may do. Violent losing always comes down to a gun shot or a first fist raised in violence. Genuine triumph always comes down to creativity and rational self-defense from the ground up in a genuinely working way that creates and preserves instead of destroys and steals. Indeed, initiating violence and destruction for gain is the ultimate form of cheating and if we are destructive in that way destruction will ultimately and genuinely end us.
Nobody is a winner who cheats with the destructive essence of cheating and full understanding of it. The real achievement is essentially being creative realistically, not trying to escape responsibility through stealing or cheating. So, at the end of this article, I quote one of my favorite Dan Penn/Wallace Daniel Pennington and Lincoln Wayne "Chips" Moman songs, "The Dark End Of The Street" with an understanding context that lays the reality there for all to see clearly as a wonderfully honest metaphor:
At the dark end of the street,
That's where we always meet.
Hiding in shadows where we don't belong,
Living in darkness to hide our wrong.
You and me, at the dark end of the street
You and me.
I know time is gonna take its toll
We're have pay for the love we stole
It's a sin and we know it's wrong
Oh but our love keeps coming on strong
Steal away, to the dark end of the street,
They're gonna find us,
They're gonna find us,
They're gonna find us, oh someday
You and me, at the dark end of the street
You and me.
And when the daylight hour rolls around
And by chance we're both downtown
If we should meet, just walk on by
Oh darling, please don't cry
Tonight we'll meet
At the dark end of the street.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.
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Tuesday, 4 August 2020
10 Amazing Google Hacks to Boost Your Productivity
Here are some nifty little tricks we have gathered through the years:
1. Type using your voice (No more strained fingers)
Sure, we've all used Google search on our phones, and we know it has a fantastic voice search function. But, this feature can do so much more. Google Docs (the cloud-based version of a text editor) is becoming more powerful by the day, and as part of its features, is voice-based typing. With a few weeks of practice, the AI is capable of flawlessly understanding human speech, whatever your accent may be. As a fun tidbit, this article has been written by using voice typing!
2. Timer: Know when to get back after a break
Google has a calendar that is used extensively by professionals. However, in their bid to replace offline apps with cloud-based real-time systems, the software behemoth has introduced a tiny, but extremely useful widget in the form of the timer feature. Capable of counting down, it is handy to keep track of time leading up to a meeting or the re-commencement of a professional appointment after a break. Just search for "Timer" in the Google search bar to access this feature.
3. Calculator: Calculate on the fly
Another applet introduced by Google is the calculator feature, removing the need for an external app. Just Google the calculation you need to be done, and the website is capable of handling arithmetic, percentages, or almost any other calculation that is performed by professionals.
4. Conversions: Convert on the fly
Dealing with international transactions is often a troublesome affair, due to the simple reason that currencies fluctuate in value with respect to each other. Google offers real-time conversion from one currency to another. Let's say you need to know the value of 16.50 pounds in American dollars. All you have to do is type "Convert 16.5 GBP to USD" in the search bar.
5. Draw perfect pictures - You don't have to be an artist is a nifty little website for when you wanted to illustrate your articles, but just couldn't find the right clip-art/stock image. By drawing a very rough version of the image in mind, you will get cute little clip arts that suit your purpose just fine.
6. Language translation: Be a pro in multiple languages
Google translate is already the most reliable option for tourists in a foreign country for translation to the native language. However, most professionals are yet to realize that this software has an extremely significant application in their respective fields. It provides a quick and efficient way of translating any blog/article that has already been written, into another prominent language, such as Spanish, for example, greatly widening the target audience.
7. Store documents: No fear of disk crash
We all keep important documents and drafts on our computers or hard disk drives. However, there are significant risks in doing so. Loss or damage of the storage medium will lead to a loss of the data too. Hence, a software widely recommended today is Google Drive, which is a cloud based document storage medium. You don't even need the storage medium to work with the documents, since it can be accessed by any device with an internet connection. As an added bonus, it makes the sharing of any of these documents incredibly easy, and all you need to know is the recipient's email address.
8. Set reminders for special days: Save your marriage
As part of its calendar app, you can easily set reminders for the future from the Google app (for mobile) or website. All you have to do is type (or say out loud), "Set a reminder for " and enter in the name of the reminder and at what time you want to be reminded.
9. Flow chart: No worries if you don't have MS Visio
Free software is great, right? One little problem, though. There isn't too much of it on the internet. we have often been asked by BA aspirants, as well as others, on whether they have to purchase software to make flowcharts. The good part is, Google Docs handles all that. It allows us complete freedom in designing the charts, and is a quick and efficient way of making them. Here's a link that gives detailed instructions on how to make flowcharts using Docs. Here is a quite interesting video for the same
10. Mind-maps: Impress your colleagues
The same goes with mind maps, another resource that is widely used by BAs and other professionals. Luckily, Google Docs is our savior once again. Here's the link with all the details.
Oh Google, what would we do without you?
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Monday, 3 August 2020
Focus Is What Creates Wealth
Knowing that pain is positive helps us when we are going to make a decision that could cause pain, but that knowledge alone might not be enough. What can make a big difference is our ability to focus on the pursuit of pleasure over the avoidance of pain. The idea is to make the thought of the pleasure more powerful than the thought of the pain. This is done in two ways:
Obviously, we know goals are important in business. In fact, some will argue you will not be successful without them. What is not so easy to understand is why goals are so important. By having and focusing on goals, you are focusing on what you want, which is the pleasure we get from the decisions we make. When you are newer to business I would suggest focusing on a SMART goal, but my SMART goal might be a little different than what you have been taught.
Specific: The more specific your goal is the better. Your picture of what you want should be very clear.
Measurable: A goal like getting into shape is not only not specific but it cannot be measured. How will you know when you reach it? Great goals are easy to measure and know when they are accomplished.
Action Focused: This is the one that changes a little from what others are teaching. When you are getting started, created goals that are based on actions will help you. This is because they are easy to accomplish, and you can create some momentum. Small success leads to great things. For example, you might want to make a goal that you will make 5 offers each day or each week instead of doing one deal a month. Although you might want to do a deal a month, the focus should be on the actionable items that will get you there.
Reasonable: This is one that is challenging for a lot of us. We hear that if you shoot for the stars and miss, at least you will land on the moon. Although I do believe that we need to think big, I also understand that we need to believe our goals are attainable or we will not hit them. Our mind is so incredibly powerful that if it does not believe you can hit the goal... you can't. My advice is to make short term goals that stretch you, but that you believe are possible. As you start hitting your goals you will be expanding your mind and can create bigger and bigger goals. There is also nothing wrong with dreaming or setting lofty longer-term goals. That too can be very positive in your development.
Time Based: As mentioned above I like the idea of short term goals. My preference is a year or less on the actual goals that you are going to focus on. Monthly goals work well. There should also be rewards for hitting these short terms goals. In no case should your goal not come with a definitive date to accomplish.
I have written several articles and posts about this, so I will not spend too much time here, but it is important to mention that it is my strong opinion that your why is the one fail safe way to have success in anything you do. As long as your why is big enough, you cannot fail. Period.
The second way to shift your focus to the pleasure is your big why. Your why is very different than a goal, as it might not meet any of the SMART criteria. It is huge, much bigger than you, and is often something that is hard for you to even realize you are capable of accomplishing. Your goals will be based on this, but it is not something that you are tracking in most cases. It is often times much bigger than you, like leaving a legacy or helping or starting a charity. It is my why that keeps me going when things get hard and it is my why that helps me make decisions that I know will cause some temporary pain. It helps you bust through fear.
By focusing on your dreams and your goals you will be able to look past temporary pain, so you can create lifelong pleasure. Combine this strategy with the knowledge that pain is positive and you will be unstoppable!
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Sunday, 2 August 2020
Your Values, Your Choices, Your Power and Your Time
So becoming aware of your values is a very important consideration when it comes to time management.
Values and Time Choices
Time is absolute, concrete and universal. In practice what that means is that your time is limited. So how you spend your time -- the choices you make about it -- define your life.
Does that sound daunting to you?
You can choose to see it that way... or you can see it as a challenge and an adventure. We humans have been puzzling out the mysteries of time for a very long time.
And there are no general answers to the challenges or to the mysteries. No, the answers are all personal. What works for you will be unique to you -- just as your values are.
A touchstone...
We have choices about how we see and feel about this.
As you can tell, I keep coming back to that touchstone -- choices. We can approach the fact that time is irreversible with fear or with respect. It's entirely up to us. And that's powerful.
If you lead with fear about "losing time" you might panic, procrastinate, or feel overwhelmed. That way, you generate more anxiety... and probably more lost time!
Ground yourself...
On the other hand, if you approach this as reality, it can help you make time choices that more closely match your value system. This is what I call values-driven time management - a powerful tool for meaning-filled living.
When you think about your time, your values, and your time choices what comes to mind?
Identifying your values and making them visible to you serves as a powerful and profound guide when making choices about your time. Listen to yourself and the messages from your heart. Are your values and your time choices in sync?
Do you hear harmony or dissonance?
Let's explore time together...
And to move toward your Heart-Based Time Success, sign up for our free gift, The Finding Time Success Kit, which includes "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!" Using a workbook format this powerful and practical time template helps you progress beyond disappointment and frustration. Discover that 24 hours really are enough!
Just click this link to get started:
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