Monday, 26 October 2020

Being confused is good for you!

 Have you been confused at some point in your life? Overwhelmed even?

I was very confused and overwhelmed when I first decided that I wanted to invest in property.

Why was I confused? I read everything I could, everywhere; watched every free training available; and bought many courses over time and learned all these different strategies.

I felt like I had all the knowledge that I needed to go out there and start investing. But when I tried to put an actual plan down, I struggled!

The problem was that everything I learned was in THEORY, and I had no idea how to replicate it in my area, by me, and the very first thing I should go out and be doing!

Having learned more than one strategies can be great in that it gives you the knowledge and you feel you have the option to choose between strategies. The downside is that you can be paralysed by the choice and not be able to decide on a particular strategy.

Then you end up not doing anything!

So is confusion all bad?

Not at all!

One mentor of mine has said that confusion is a phase of inner growth, if you handle it correctly. You will come out from the other side of the tunnel stronger, and clearer with your goals. You should welcome confusion.

However the key to overcoming confusion isn’t more thinking, which most of us naturally end up doing. Because we are confused, we want to find answers, we start seeking more information and analyse even more in our heads, which keeps us in a vicious cycle.

The solution to confusion is THINK LESS, DO MORE. This is counter intuitive for many of us. By decluttering your mind, you will feel less overwhelmed. By doing more, you will gain valuable practical feedback which you can never get from thinking alone.

As soon as I started testing the knowledge I learned through classroom training, and as soon as I started trying EVERY strategy I learned, I quickly gained more clarity on what strategy could suit me better, how easy a strategy could work in my area, and what adjustment I would need to make it work.

Property investing is a long journey. Those seemingly useless actions I took has taught me things that I find useful years later. And most importantly, you will move on from the confusion phase. That’s how the ‘dots get connected’.

To making it happen,

P.S. Are you confused about how to get started in property investing and what strategy could work for you?
Book a free strategy session with me CLICKING HERE, and we can come up with an action plan specifically for you, so you start taking that first step!

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