We all know the importance of carrying out thorough research before any major investment.
But do you know that thinking too much is not contributing to your success, but only taking you further away from your goals.
Hard to believe? Read on…
Analysis causes paralysis. This is especially true for people who are analytical, academic, and data driven. People have a natural tendency to fall into attempting to do either too much or too little research. We all know too little research is no good. But today let’s dig a bit deeper in the damage of doing too much research.
I was this type of person from an analytical education and corporate career background. I would enjoy collecting data, more information, news, learning new things on the topic. And this just never ended. I would always discover some more ‘research to do’.
Then I got sucked into this and never moved on from the research stage. And the more data I had, the more I needed to analyse and the less confident I got to actually make a decision or take any action.
Over the years, I found an easy way to break this vicious cycle. It seems so simple in hind sight but you really need someone to tell you that this works at the time.
The best thing to do is to set yourself a timeline, by which you HAVE TO make a decision, or take an action.
Surprisingly simple right? But you might worry if you will have done enough research by the deadline. The truth is, given your analytical nature, you will be ‘carrying out research’ all the time anyway. As long as you give yourself a reasonable time frame, you should trust that the amount of research you will have done by then is sufficient.
And it took me a while to get used to this. As I had to resist worrying about making a ‘bad’ decision. What I have realised over the years is, a ‘not so great’ decision is better than ‘no decision’ (as long as you have a firm and safe bottom line that you should never breach).
Now I believe the worst thing in life is stagnation, not making mistakes. If you are the type of person that tend to overthink, try the method above – set yourself a timeline by which you have to do something. Whether it is 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, make sure you stick to that deadline.
Warning: Do make sure that you have a systematic approach to your research though, so that you will have covered the important items before the deadline. You shouldn’t spend too much time researching, but do make sure what needs to be done is done.
Watch out for my next email, where I will share what you should cover in your desktop research for your investing area.
To moving forward,
*I can teach you how to build an extra £2000/month income through property within 6-12 months – CLICK HERE to book a free strategy session with me.
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