Monday, 26 October 2020

Being confused is good for you!

 Have you been confused at some point in your life? Overwhelmed even?

I was very confused and overwhelmed when I first decided that I wanted to invest in property.

Why was I confused? I read everything I could, everywhere; watched every free training available; and bought many courses over time and learned all these different strategies.

I felt like I had all the knowledge that I needed to go out there and start investing. But when I tried to put an actual plan down, I struggled!

The problem was that everything I learned was in THEORY, and I had no idea how to replicate it in my area, by me, and the very first thing I should go out and be doing!

Having learned more than one strategies can be great in that it gives you the knowledge and you feel you have the option to choose between strategies. The downside is that you can be paralysed by the choice and not be able to decide on a particular strategy.

Then you end up not doing anything!

So is confusion all bad?

Not at all!

One mentor of mine has said that confusion is a phase of inner growth, if you handle it correctly. You will come out from the other side of the tunnel stronger, and clearer with your goals. You should welcome confusion.

However the key to overcoming confusion isn’t more thinking, which most of us naturally end up doing. Because we are confused, we want to find answers, we start seeking more information and analyse even more in our heads, which keeps us in a vicious cycle.

The solution to confusion is THINK LESS, DO MORE. This is counter intuitive for many of us. By decluttering your mind, you will feel less overwhelmed. By doing more, you will gain valuable practical feedback which you can never get from thinking alone.

As soon as I started testing the knowledge I learned through classroom training, and as soon as I started trying EVERY strategy I learned, I quickly gained more clarity on what strategy could suit me better, how easy a strategy could work in my area, and what adjustment I would need to make it work.

Property investing is a long journey. Those seemingly useless actions I took has taught me things that I find useful years later. And most importantly, you will move on from the confusion phase. That’s how the ‘dots get connected’.

To making it happen,

P.S. Are you confused about how to get started in property investing and what strategy could work for you?
Book a free strategy session with me CLICKING HERE, and we can come up with an action plan specifically for you, so you start taking that first step!

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

5 ways to combat the issue with lack of funding in property investing


Per request of many clients, I will discuss some of the ways that can be used to get around the issue of lack of funds in property investing, and their pros and cons.


1.       Private Finance

Private finance is a mortgage not issued by a bank or mortgage lender. It’s money lent to you by private sources, such as crowd, friends, businesses, even pensions. It can be a great source of funding when you have a deal that can’t get the traditional mortgage. However, private finance is typically more expensive than a traditional mortgage. And depending on what type if finance it is, can have extra costs such as entry and exit costs. So you need to find a deal that gives you enough margin to use private finance and still make a profit.

2.       Joint Venture

You can joint venture with cash investors to carry on investing when you don’t have any of your own funds. It is important to structure the JV correctly so that both parties would benefit from the deal. Other than the financial side, you also need to make sure you discuss your end goal and exit strategy early on. It is no good if one of you want to sell it in 5 years and the other wants to keep it for life.

3.       Vendor Finance

You can tell by the name what this is about. So the seller will finance your deal! Yes this can happen. But you need to find a vendor that doesn’t need the lump sum money straight away, but you buying the property is solving a problem they have (could be cash flow, could be stress.) This can sound too good to be true. Depending where you are based and what type of property you are buying, this can be hard to come by.

4.       Strategies that doesn’t involve huge capital investments

Sometimes, being active in property investing doesn’t have to start with you owning a property. There are strategies such as Rent to Rent (which I explained yesterday), and Lease Options etc. that doesn’t require a big upfront investment. Lease Options is however hard to find in expensive regions such as London. Rent to rent, however, you can do in most places but you would have to adapt quite a lot to the area.

5.       Equity in existing property

And some people already have equity in their own home, which strictly speaking is your own funds, just not readily available. That equity is sitting there, giving in no return. If the cost of releasing that is much less than the return of your investment, why not!

If you missed my explanation on a creative finance strategy Rent to Rent, which I used to build up a portfolio of 60 properties in 5 years, each bringing in £700-1000/month cashflow, check out my post this Monday. Or CLICK HERE to book a free strategy session with me, and I will share with you the exact type of properties that will give you £700-1000/month compliantly.

Let me help you achieve financial freedom through investing in property!


Monday, 19 October 2020

Do you still think property investing is ONLY for people with money? - WRONG!


Have you been wanting to get into property investing but you FEEL STUCK because you don’t have money to invest?


Lately, I hear a lot of my clients complain that they don’t have funds to get started in property.

In fact, this seems to be the number one challenge aspiring property investors have!


But it’s a HUGE MYTH!


There are ways to raise funds, Joint Venture, and also there are many strategies that don’t require a heavy upfront capital investment. I will be sharing more on these topics in the next few days as people really want to know more about it.


But today I want to share with you one strategy that I used myself, which requires less than £3-5k to start with, and you can get it back in less than a month, while building an ongoing income of £700-£1000/month per property.


This strategy is called Rent to Rent – some of you may have heard of it. It is based on the wholesale/retail concept. You would rent a big house or flat (or even building), and then you rent out the individual units separately. You make the profits on the differences in rent you receive and pay.


I started my Rent to rent company in central London 5 years ago (YES it works in central London). It now has almost 300 rooms. This is the fastest and least expensive method to build up a cash reserve, which you can later put in a Buy To Let investment property that you own. These two strategies complement each other very well.


If you know what kind of property to look for, and what exactly to do, you can build up an extra income stream pretty quickly. It takes on average 3 months to complete a property purchase in the UK. It takes 1-2 weeks from signing up a Rent to Rent property and having rooms rent out – starting your first £700-1000/month cashflow. As you don’t own the property, the risk is much lower too.


So why isn’t everybody doing it? Well, it’s not the easiest to know what kind of property to look for and where to find them. With the tighter regulations in recent years, it’s becoming harder to find truly compliant properties, making it harder for newbies to get started in this.


Are you interested in learning more about Rent to Rent?

Book a free strategy session with me CLICKING HERE, and I will share with you the exact type of properties that will give you £700-1000/month compliantly.


To overcoming your funds challenge,


Wednesday, 14 October 2020

3 most efficient sources of information to help you stay up to date on the property market


We hear news every day on property and real estate. There is a property section in pretty much every newspaper. Then there is all these podcasts, youtube channels, etc…


It almost seems like there is TOO MUCH information out there!

But somehow we still can’t find the answer to our questions.

And we can spend hours and hours ‘learning’ from these random sources, and end up getting drowned by the sea of information.


When I first started, I was overwhelmed by all these information that seemed to be available everywhere. But I didn't know what to believe in and what sources to trust. If you are new, it’s hard to be able to tell the good sources from the bad. I read everything I could.


Now 7 years later being much more experienced in property, I hardly read any news on property, or follow many channels. I found that consuming random information takes time and brain power. And I don’t have enough of them.


I found that the following 3 sources are my most efficient and reliable sources of information that helps me stay up to date in the property market.

-          Your direct power team

Your mortgage broker, your accountant, your letting agent, your builder, your estate agent etc. These are the people that you work with and people that are in the movement every day. What they know is first hand information much more accurate than the news.

-          Reputable industry events

Attending events and networking can be a great source. However it really depends on the quality of the event you go to. Out of the ones I have attended, I found that the PIN (property investors network) meetings are of great value. I used to go to the ones in Canary Wharf and Blackfriars regularly but now with the pandemic, everything is going virtual. If you are based in the UK, definitely check out your local meeting.

-          Reputable industry publications

Just like a banker would read Financial Times, there is a MUST-HAVE magazine that almost all property investors are reading. It’s called YPN (Your Property Network), specifically designed for investors. It contains industry updates, dive into the latest strategies, many case-studies, and useful contacts. I believe you can try the first copy for free.


I genuinely hope that the mistakes I made and the different experiences I had would save you time and help you achieve your goal much faster!


*I can help you build an extra £2000/month income through property – CLICK HERE to book a free strategy session with me.

Monday, 12 October 2020

Housing market crash in 2021?


There is a lot of debate on whether there will be a housing market crash in 2021.

Being a property investor myself, I am very interested in knowing the answer.

However, does that affect my investing decision? Not really.


You may wonder – shouldn’t we buy at the bottom of the market?

Yes, ideally. But do you know when EXACTLY the market will hit the bottom? Will the deal you have DEFINITELY go through at that time? Are you just buying ONE deal?


The truth is, the property market in most developed countries are definitely NOT buoyant. I live in London, and the London market has been generally stagnant or even on a downward slope in the last couple of years. Will there be further price drops? Probably. But no one is 100% certain just like it was hard to predict Brexit and Coronavirus. And we certainly can’t predict how much property prices will drop when it does.


I have been investing in property for 7 years, and have gone through the property offer negotiation process almost 100 times – what I discovered is that you as a buyer get a lot more negotiating power in a downward or ‘bad’ market. The longer the seller has to wait, the less price he/she can get. And that is what makes a difference. Even if the market is not at its bottom, I am more likely to find great discounts.

Also if my properties are cash flowing nicely, I wouldn’t need to worry if the property prices drop another 5-10% after I have bought. I may not have bought at the BEST time, but I certainly didn’t miss out on a great yielding deal by waiting too long. In the long run, property prices will recover and what I care about is getting cash flow every single month.


There has been a temporary surge in price since the UK government introduced ‘no stamp duty’ to help fighting the pandemic. (Surprisingly – as the new asking prices have factored this in and there are a lot more people trying to buy during this window.) But when that ends by March 2021, things will start to cool off and we enter another great period of time to buy properties. And this works both in and outside London. If you are outside the UK, you might already be on a downward market – so act now!

Keep an eye on the market and don’t miss out on this great opportunity to build up your property empire.


To your success,



I can help you build a passive income stream through property in 6 months – CLICK HERE to book a free strategy session with me.

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Only A Moron Starts A Business On A Loan

What If 2020 Gets Worse?

 I think many folks are pining for 2018.

They'd love to wind back the clock a bit to when everything was 'normal'.

(Read: familiar.)

If that's you, I don't blame you. I just hope you weren't the typical Twitter user of the time, blurting out stuff like:

"OMG 2018 is the WORST. I want it to JUST END already. Three ageing celebrities have died, waaa!"

Those deaths were tragedies, but they weren't disasters. I called it out for what it was: self-indulgent and dangerous whingeing.

And now, here we are.

2020 has brought us record bushfires, a disease with a rapidly rising death count, financial collapse, mental health eroding lockdowns, and riots.

We're only halfway through.

And I suspect there's worse to come.

But don't blame 2020 for it. Whether 2021 is any better depends, in large measure, on your resilience. If, a few years ago, you dramatised a little sadness around celebrities dying into the worst thing ever...

Well, that was a mistake.

I'm not telling you to ignore or suppress your emotions. If a childhood hero dies, by all means feel sad. Get angry when someone disrespects your rights.

But it's selfish to exaggerate, indulge and overshare your feelings.

Moping for likes and shares - instead of processing the emotions - made you less resilient. So when real problems reared their heads, you were less able to cope with them. That hurt everyone who relies on you in any way.

Like I say, it was a mistake.

And what do we do with mistakes?

We dust our hands, learn what we can and move on.

If you can't move on?

If you're struggling right now, feeling burned out or just that this has taken a lot out of you, it's tempting to point your finger outwards. The world is on fire right now, so of course you're not at 100%.

But just because you're in pain, that doesn't mean you should suffer.

Some folks crack under pressure. Others find their true strength. The difference isn't in who they are but how they respond to challenges.

Chances are, you have an outdated and harmful response to challenges. That's not your fault - who among us was taught how to thrive while our worlds crumble?

But now you're aware of it, you have the responsibility to let go and embrace something better.

I've made part of your unconscious conscious. If you keep running the old, bad patterns, that's now your choice.

So choose the path that makes you stronger. We all need your strength right now - more than ever.

So that's one way to enhance your life.

But if self-improvement really interests you, what would you do with more techniques than you can use?

Like, say, 60 of them?

Get your hands on Three-Score Navike - the comprehensive and easy way to grow and evolve - right here:

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Saturday, 10 October 2020

Fake Rich vs Actually Rich | How To Tell The Difference

6 Tips For Success As A Trader

 If you are new to options trading, you are on the right page. In this article, we are going to share with you 6 tips that will help you be successful as a trader. With these tips on your mind, you can avoid common mistakes and follow the right strategies in order to get closer to your success. Without further ado, let's check out those simple tips.

1. Don't invest too much

If you want to be successful as a trader, you don't want to put all your money at risk. One day you will retire and you will need plenty of money to lead a good life. Therefore, you may want to invest your money conservatively.

Although you can use the money you have saved for a day trade from time to time, always try to be on the safe side. In other words, you should not spend the money that you cannot afford to lose.

2. Be patient

Another sign of a successful trader is that they don't trade on a daily basis. So, what you need to do is grab the opportunities that can meet your criteria. it is not a good idea to grab every opportunity that you can find. You don't want to go against your own judgment just because there is an opportunity available. You must have a solid plan in place and always be patient.

3. Be disciplined

You must have a solid trading plan in place, and you should do nothing against it. If you are trading yourself, you don't want to adopt impulsive behavior. You don't want to be greedy as it can cost you a lot of money. If you think you can get rich in a single day, you are making a grave mistake. You must always be disciplined.

4. Don't be afraid to grab an opportunity

Often, new traders tend to be overwhelmed in the beginning. They are too afraid to grab the opportunities that show up in their way. But you don't need to worry as long as you are disciplined and have a solid plan to follow. So, you don't need to be afraid of pushing the button. If you are patient and disciplined, you will surely achieve the success you desire.

5. Don't take a lot of risk

As I said earlier, it's not a good idea to invest too much capital in a single trade. This will not only put you at greater risk, but it will also cause you to miss out on a lot of opportunities down the road. Therefore, you should only spend 10% of the amount of money you have set aside for trading. This will help you be on the safe side.

6. Learn from Experience

Traders suffer from losses on a daily basis due to their grave mistakes. So, what you need to do is learn from others, and follow a rule-based strategy. Apart from this, you should always try to be yourself and never try to cross the line.

Long story short, if you want to be successful as an options trader, we suggest that you follow these steps. This will help you be on the safe side and avoid the common mistakes that can make you suffer a loss during this journey.

If you are looking for the best options trading system, we suggest that give a go to OptionsGeek today. They offer great services.

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Friday, 9 October 2020

"Every Billionaire Uses It!"


 Many of my clients have come in complaining of a lack of motivation; from not being motivated enough on the job, to not being able to diet, quit smoking, or get out of bed in the morning. They desire to achieve both positive and negative motivations-positive motivations and being motivations toward doing something; negative motiviations being toward NOT doing something (not smoking, for example).

Almost invariably, the method they have tried before (unsuccessfully) has been to beat themselves into it. This happens through a negative inner dialog, such as: "You lazy person, you'll never get anywhere;" "you have to do this whether you like it or not;" or "no one will ever love you until you do." Sometimes, they have tried bribing or persuading themselves, which works for a while, but fails sooner or later. Sometimes, they have gotten another person to push them around, such as a motivational group, hypnosis, a parent or parent substitute, who will insist that they have to behave.

This third option works quite well for some people for a long time. However, the nature of this persuasion is to overpower the client's natural process, and the people who come to me come because they have rebelled against the authority of that person or group, and find that now they can't do what they would like to because of their rebellion! The truth is, that if we believe someone else is pushing us around, we are not likely to respond cooperatively. Especially when the "pushy person" is oneself!!!

The fact is, no matter how nasty and angry these people get with themselves, they cannot get motivated. Together, my clients and I have had tremendous, verifiable success with these problems, and every client who has worked with me has succeeded in getting motivated, both "negative motivation" and "positive motivation". The reason for such success is htat creating motivation is easy.

I maintain that motivation grows out of celebration and appreciation. I like to state it in equation form: celebration + appreciation = motivation

By this I mean that if you can find a way to appreciate yourself for what you've already accomplished, and to celebrate your previous successes (and believe em, you CAN find a way), you will find you are "magically" motivated to accomplish more. No struggle, no hassle-you accomplish out of the pure fun of success! To illustrate what I mean, I will describe two possible employers. The "bad boss" and the "good boss".

The Bad Boss

-Operates through intimidation and criticism...

-Always complains; never praises (you only know you're doing OK because the boss says nothing)

-Gets nasty if you make a mistake

-Humiliates you in front of others

-Never thinks you've done enough

-Assumes you are lazy and dishonest

-Changes the rules arbitrarily

-Is never satisfied of pleased

(get the picture?)

The Good Boss

-Praises Frequently

-Always lets you know when you're doing well

-Asks you what you need whenever you've made a mistake;

-Is very helpful

-Is concerned about your well-being as well as your productivity

-Assumes you want to do a good job

-Helps you feel like part of the team

-Treats you as a valued human being

-Is clear about the duties expected of you.

Both of these bosses have the same goal: to get the job done. However, there is a big difference in the success of their individual management styles. Think about your probable reaction to the two styles of management. The bad boss's office is characterized by tension and anger. People work only to keep the boss off their backs, and consequently goof-off whenever he/she is not around. They are not efficient, because they are not motivated to accomplish anything, merely to avoid the boss's anger. They are operating in a mental state we call "adaptation", which is focused on keeping someone (usually someone angry or nasty) off their backs.

They have little loyalty to anything but their paychecks, and perhaps each other, as mistreated prisoners are loyal to each other when confronting the jailer. Offices which are characterized by inefficiency and disharmony. If this boss requires overtime, he/she encounters resistance.

If you were working for this boss, how would you feel? Would you go to work happily each day? Would you volunteer for extra work? Would you look forward to each new assignment? Probably not. In short, you would not feel highly motivated, would you?

On the other hand, the employees of the good boss tend to care about themselves and their jobs. They feel proud of their accomplishments, and eager to learn more and accomplish more. If the boss is gone, the work still goes on, because people are in a mental state of motivation, and are being gratified by their sense of accomplishment. When this boss requests overtime, he/she will be met with a cooperative response.

Again, take a moment and picture yourself in this situation. How would you feel? Would you feel eager to please this boss? Would you look forward to his/her reaction to your latest work? Would you be willing to help out, if extra work were necessary? Most likely, you would-you would feel enthusiastic and motivated, looking forward to work each day.

Notice the difference in your energy in the two situations. Which boss would you rather work for? Hopefully, it's as obvious to you as it is to me. I would prefer the good boss (just the names I have chosen for the two styles have probably made that obvious.)

In the daily tasks and situations of our lives, we become our own bosses; whether we are aware of it or not. We have a choice about which kind of a boss we wish to be to ourselves. If you decide as most of my clients (and myself) have, you will choose to become the good boss to yourself. This means you learn to treat yourself with kindness and understanding, be very generous with praise, and gentle with corrections. Then you will accomplish your goals with a sense of pride and achievement, and a great deal of pleasure. You will feel motivated, and wonder why you never realized how easy it was.

All of this can be accomplished through the two "magic motivators": celebration and appreciation. Most of us know how to appreciate others. However, when it comes to ourselves, we feel embarrassed and uncomfortable if we are too generous with praise.

Years of being told not to brag or to be stuck up when we were young have taken their toll, and self-appreciation comes awkwardly. However, if motivation is a desirable trait, then self-appreciation becomes necessary and desirable too. The good news is that you can learn it.

If you would like to learn self-appreciation and it is difficult for you, I recommend practicing in several ways. Many of my clients have found it fun to buy small gold foil star stickers (just like in grade school) and award them to themselves for jobs well done, or any achievements they wish to celebrate. Pasting the stars on a calendar daily can be very effective. Go ahead, award yourself lots!

Other kinds of stickers are readily available. One of my clients rewarded herself for being successful in her eating program with small stickers representing jelly beans, chocolates and ice cream cones! She got her dessert in praise instead of calories.

Also, it can be effective to remember back to childhood parties and celebrations. One of my clients was told never to make noise because her grandmother was ill. However, shewas allowed to play her accordion as loud as she wanted to when she practiced. To this day, playing her accordion feels like a celebration and a chance for her to sound off. Early birthday parties or holiday outings that were special can also be tapped for ideas. If Mom always cooked a turkey for a big occasion, or set the table with the best china, or a bottle of champagne was served, then those ingredients can indicate celebration and accomplishment.

Crepe paper streamers, banners, candles, balloons, flowers, special clothing (your fanciest shoes, a new hat) gatherings of friends, trophies, diplomas and awards can all indicate achievements worth celebrating. Try using one or two of these items on occasions for which you wish to generate motivation.

If you are nervous on the first day of the new job, celebrate completing the day with sparkling apple juice or diet cola served in your best champagne flutes, and candles on the dinner table. Put a few gold stars on your calendar for getting through a difficult homework assignment. Buy your little girl a trophy engraved with her name for cleaning up her room for a whole month.

There is no such thing as too much praise or celebration. Is there too much motivation? Of course not-the more the merrier. Fresh flowers on the table just to say how much you appreciate yourself can do a lot toward making you happier any day. A new trashy romance novel can be a great reward/celebration for reading your required technical books.

The important point is that celebration of what you have accomplished already will create motivation to accomplish more.

Get creative with your celebrations, have fun. Celebrate a cherished friendship with an impromptu lunchtime picnic, and a balloon. Above all, have fun. That's the objective!

If you find yourself around someone who takes command and tells you what you should be doing, or comments unasked about how you are doing things wrong, or otherwise appoints him/herself as the boss in your life, you may find your newly-created motivation flagging. Remember to fire them as your boss. It's YOUR life, and you are doing whatever you are doing because you WANT to. You need to give no better reason to anyone but yourself.

Once you have fired this self-appointed boss, then you may need to remind yourself of how much you have accomplished without that kind of help. Celebrate your independence, your spirit, your willingness to be responsible for yourself.

It is also possible to set up informative books, articles, television authorities, gurus, etc. up as your boss-in which case, you will again find your motivation flagging. These informational aids can be useful, but only if your keep them in perspective.

Remember, the boss gets information about how to run things, gets educated, goes for help when necessary, BUT the boss is still in charge. The information is there for your use, but no expert, (no, not even a therapist) can know if the information is right for you.

If you remember who the boss is, then you will use the information wisely and judiciously, rejecting whatever there is that does not suit your style or personality. You will use it to support and further your goals, and to aid in the celebration of your accomplishments.

Whenever you find your motivation flagging, look around for how you are doing at being your boss. Are you using a motivational, supportive style? Have you let someone else take over your authority? Is there some appreciation you need?

Take a few minutes with yourself every day just for appreciation. It's easy, fun, and very effective. Imagine living every day energized and motivated!!

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Thursday, 8 October 2020

Morning Rituals of Successful People [Tony Robbins, Arnold ,Dwayne Johns...

How to Master the Stress of Every Day Life With Five Essential Strategies

 What is the "new normal" like for you now, especially as related to your workday? Do you believe you will ever go back to business as usual, or work in the same manner you did, now that you have learned how to adapt and work in a different manner? Are you feeling that you are able to cope with conditions related to your job, or is a matter of just surviving each day of your work week?

Life for many has become a matter of adjusting and adapting, and doing this at a rapid pace, sometimes with the proper tools and resources, and often on the fly. The initial sense of confusion and uncertainty is now growing into panic and increased agitation for many. Those who are employed are attempting to work at home, in spaces they never imagined they would be working, and feeling somewhat off balance.

Right now, the demands and responsibilities have shifted for many people in a significant manner, some for the better and for others, it has become much more challenging. The thought of turning on a computer now may not be that exciting, and in fact, there may be a sense of foreboding, as many try to navigate working in a virtual environment for the first time. It may also be challenging to translate many jobs to a remote position, and this will compound the amount of anxiety experienced. For those who did not have a strong working relationship with their colleagues or managers to begin with, the separation or distance now can strain these relationships even further.

I realize there has been much written about the topic of stress already, and it may seem as if there is nothing more to write about it, yet I would like to once again consider how to master it from an internalized perspective. Most people are thinking about their jobs, responsibilities, and how to cope. I want to have you also consider what is going on in your thoughts as well, and how you are processing the situation and events around you. Whether you realize it or not, you are internalizing the events you are experiencing and the related emotions along with these events, and if you are not careful, you can quickly build up negative emotions. This is what leads to stress, anxiety, depression, and worse.

It doesn't matter what type of job you have; everyone has an ability to experience pent up negative emotions as a result of what they are experiencing, just by trying to adapt to a new environment. This can be the culmination of small events, such as failing to access needed online files, building up to computer issues, resulting in built-up frustration. If you finally recognize you are frustrated, it may be at a point you are already feeling completely overwhelmed and have not taken care of your well-being. This is what I want to help you prevent, and I have some strategies you can implement to take care of your internal thought process.

The Internal State of Mind

Everything going on around you can potentially cause an emotional reaction within you, depending upon your connection with it. Right you are experiencing heightened emotions because of the events of our current crisis. You are more likely to become emotionally engaged the longer you watch or read the news and the headlines. You will also experience many emotions within as you attempt to adjust to new or adapted working conditions.

If you have never worked as a remote employee, or an employee who must now work within specified health conditions, you may react emotionally. These emotional reactions may not be noticeable at first, but if you are not happy with the changes, the negativity will build up slowly over time, until the residual effect culminates in a feeling of stress or anxiety. By the time you feel or experience any of these indicators, you may need significant self-work to recover and re-balance yourself.

Perceptual Influences

There is something else to consider and it is how you perceive the circumstances around you. During a time of crisis there is information and misinformation being shared. In the search for updates, you may find yourself perceiving events as they actually are or as you believe they are. There is a difference and it is based upon your worldview or mental model. What happens is that your emotions begin to influence what you see and hear, along with what you believe, creating a perceptual filter. This is also true for your job and the responsibilities which are associated with it. In your position you may perceive it to be challenging, or you may accept it is easy to adapt to before and now.

Strategies to Master the Stress of Every Day Life

Stress and anxiety, which are indicators of a problem, do not appear all at once. Both are a result of ongoing negative feelings which have been internalized for several days and/or weeks. It may gradually manifest in your job, perhaps in the tone of emails or other communication. Or it may result in feelings of being afraid, experiencing fear, or a general sense of hopelessness about your situation. If you do not manage what you are experiencing, not only can it become more challenging to resolve, it can eventually appear in your performance. You can use the following strategies to help you master what you are feeling and control the potential for stress.

Strategy #1: Am I experiencing a negative reaction?

As you are going about your regular work day, look for anything which produces a negative trigger. Pay attention to it. This is an emotion you are feeling right now. You do not have to analyze it, rather you just need to acknowledge you are experiencing it. This may occur during a busy work day, so for the time being, just make a note of the time and a general description of the triggering event.

Strategy #2: Do I need to examine why I experienced a negative reaction?

At the end of the day, take a look at the list of your events. Then examine in more detail what caused the trigger and led you to experience a negative reaction. To what degree did you react? How strongly did you feel negative emotions? You may find it helpful to write this out, depending upon the complexity of the triggering event. The purpose is to take away the negativity of the situation, so you are better able to understand it and give yourself a sense of relief as you take action.

Strategy #3: What do I have within my power to control now?

One of the challenges associated with built-up negative emotions is the feeling of hopelessness. It is possible to begin to feel so bad about the culmination of occurrences, you believe nothing is going to get better or change. Or worse, you may feel as if no one is going to help you. But what you always maintain control of are your thoughts. You can decide how to respond to each and every situation which arises, even if you are challenged at times. What you can do is to learn to stop before reacting, and use logic before emotions to evaluate situations. This gives you the power of control, acting in a controlled manner.

Strategy #4: How can I maintain a positive attitude?

If you are going to become proactive and master every day conditions which can lead to stress, you can also change your attitude as part of this approach. You can decide to face each day as it presents itself, good, not so good, or otherwise, and be able to manage it effectively. Why? Because whatever the day brings, you will find a way to be successful. If you cannot address something, you will ask for assistance. If you need a break, you will take it. But you are stronger than you can imagine, you have an ability to persevere, and you will rely upon your internal GPS to guide you through any time which requires you to be adaptable, flexible, and proactive.

Strategy #5: How can I make my present situation better?

Now that you have examined your triggering events, and your disposition, you can decide what steps are needed next to make your working conditions or job more manageable. As an example, do you need to have a conversation with your supervisor about how to adapt to the new normal? Or should you speak with your colleagues and ask for tips and recommendations related to the position? The purpose is to ask for assistance and relieve any potential for negative feelings which you have become accustomed to feeling. You may also need to consider how your home working environment needs to change or become better adapted to your required job responsibilities.

How You Feel Becomes Who You Are

Can you remember your jobs from a perspective of the time when you enjoyed it the most? Perhaps it was the first day you were hired and you loved arriving at work, eager to complete your job duties. But now the job responsibilities have changed to a new normal. A job you loved, or possibly grew to loathe, has now produced feelings of frustration, exasperation, and worse, because you are attempting to adapt to different working conditions. If you are experiencing negative emotions, and these feelings persist, it can decrease your ability to perform your very best. When you no longer feel a sense of peace or stability about your job, it can show up in your disposition and work product.

What you can do is control what you think about your situation, including your job and your adapted working conditions. If you look at this time as an opportunity to learn more about yourself, and discover more about your ability to grow, you will change how you view your job responsibilities. Without a doubt this is an extraordinary time in our lives, and yet it is time for you to re-engage with yourself and discover the best of your abilities. You do not need to deny or feel bad about the natural reactions you experience. But what you can do is to acknowledge your feelings and then be alert to address them, to prevent continued distress. You have incredible talent within you, the sum of your career and what you have learned. Once you adapt and view your job and yourself anew, you can once again return to enjoying your every day.

Dr. Bruce A. Johnson is an inspirational author, writer, and teacher.

Dr. Johnson's background involved helping others, including people and organizations. His roles have included Manager of Training and Development, Human Performance Improvement Consultant, Online Instructor, Career Coach, Curriculum Developer, Manager of Faculty Development, and Chief Academic Officer.

Since 2005, Dr. J has specialized in distance education, adult education, faculty development, online teaching, career management, career development, and human performance improvement. He has a Ph.D. in Postsecondary and Adult Education, a Certificate in Training and Performance Improvement, and a Master of Business Administration, MBA. Presently Dr. J is a Core Faculty member for one of the premiere online universities.

As a scholar practitioner, Dr. J was published in a scholarly journal and he has been a featured presenter at an international distance education conference. He has also published books, eBooks, and over 200 online articles about adult learning, higher education, distance learning, online teaching, and professional development, helping to fulfill his life's mission to teach, mentor, write, and inspire others.

To discover resources available for educators, along with professional development, please visit:

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Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Use Laziness To Your Advantage - The 20 Second Rule

Buy a Franchise Make Money or Get Ripped Off?

 Let's face it many of the good franchise money making opportunities have been taken a long time ago. But you still want a franchise? What and where do you look? In my opinion, what's new, what's hot, what's the latest and greatest. Is it a fad,does it have the ability to grow, who is behind it?

First you need to find what interests you. Remember you will spend more time running your own businesss than you will at home. So it better be something you like and something that is affordable. Don't put your life's fortune, your home, your family at risk for a franchise. Don't roll the dice and risk it all. Make sure you leave yourself a fall back position.

Once you select a franchise do your homework. Start with the franchisees who have stores for sale. This is done for two reasons, first, you may get a better deal buying existing than a new store. Also, you want to know why they are getting out. The number one reason is usually they are not making it. They will tell you all the problems with the franchise, some true, some not. The more franchisees you talk with that are selling, the better questions you will develop if you decide to approach this franchise to do a new location.

When you have finished your fact gathering quest, focus on the main people running this franchise. How long has the CEO, President and COO been with this company? Has there been consistent turnover at the top? If so not a good sign. Has the company moved multiple times to different states? Usually a sign of problems with that state, also not good.

Support is a huge and important issue. What type of training will you need and how long? Do you also get help when you open the store? Do they have a good marketing system and do they funnel enough money in to marketing the concept? Strong support or lack there of tells you a lot about a company.

New store growth is it a steady 10% or is it not there? Every good concept should have some piece of positive growth. If everyone is selling their stores, also not a good sign.

How about fees? What are these folks charging, is it high or is it low? What's your buy in and does it make sense? These are just a few ideas of what to look for in your pursuit of a franchise. As you can see don't make an uninformed decision. Do your home work and go into this with a good knowledge base. Good luck

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Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Warren Buffett and Jay-Z On The Power of Luck | Forbes

Secrets To Prosperity - Cultivate A Millionaire Mindset

 The secret to prosperity lies in how you have programmed your thoughts. When you cannot control your mind, you will just move further away from cultivating a millionaire mindset. It is the effort that you put in not only today, but in a consistent manner that will reflect your future results.

We tend to send thoughts to the Universe requesting for change and financial freedom, but we do not know how to adequately use our mind power to receive the appropriate positive messages in return.

In order to control your mind power you need to effectively do the following:

1. Control your thoughts and not be distracted by trivialities

2. Change your daily habits from negative to positive, and stick to it.

3. Only talk about positive matters, because you ultimately become what you think.

Observe what you are talking about the whole day and question whether it includes mostly positive things that give you happiness.

To become a prosperous and successful person, you need to observe and learn from successful people. Read their life history, feel like one and behave like one. You must be able to visualize your future and be able to see your future with you to as a successful person.

Can you visualize yourself as a successful businessman and a millionaire in future? Can you make yourself feel like a millionaire? You should be able to see your future and dispel the notion that we are normally fearful of our future. We far too often visualize our future in negative forms rather than that of being a millionaire.

It is being said that a vibration is created, and the wealth energy takes over when you practice visualizing yourself as a millionaire often. The actual process of you becoming a millionaire will then be accelerated. This is based on the fact that your mind attains power through your thought waves, habits, and visualization. It is possible for you to achieve whatever you want through your mind power.

The very best practice will be to control your mind in the present moment without thinking of the future or the past. This mind power can be used to achieve financial freedom and whatever else you want to target. And free yourself from unnecessary negative thoughts. The key is to practice and implement less thoughts and much more action.

Handle your mind correctly

Psychology experts have determined that your mind is actually neutral, and it depends how you use it. It is actually you as a person who cause your mind to react negatively through your unnecessary negative thoughts and negative behaviours. Under most circumstances, your mind can be your best friend, but at times and it can also be your worst enemy. This negative relationship is often caused by stress that not only brings along discomfort but other diseases as well.

You need to control your mind to avoid stress. It is normally said that diseases are caused due to either incorrect food, or a bad environment but the actual fact is that your thought waves control more than what you might think.

Clear your negative thoughts and you will get a big boost on your way to cultivating a millionaire mindset. One of the easiest ways to manage your mind will be to practice meditation and positive affirmations about being a millionaire. When you can manage your mind, it will be easier to go to the next level of prosperity.

Still looking for Secrets to Prosperity? Stop being misled by crooks who know nothing about Cultivating A Millionaire Mindset. Simply go to This site will give you the plain facts on proven Mind-Hacks of the Rich and Famous and get you on the path to prosperity soonest.

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Monday, 5 October 2020

Tony Robbins Guided Morning Routine (Watch This Video EVERY MORNING)

Do You Set Realistic Goals

 Any type of goal setting is often considered a fundamental part of any types of personal development or life coaching or 12-step recovery. The idea is simply to set objectives that you then try to achieve. At some point you evaluate your efforts and results, and make any necessary adjustments that may be due.

The question of realistic goals is really important. The goal must be achievable in some way, and at the same time must not be too easy so that it does not require any effort to stretch on the part of the person trying to achieve it.

When looking at goals that other people are setting, it is quite easy to be reasonably objective about what you think they can and cannot achieve. This is especially true if you know the person well, or you know their situation or environment.

Where it becomes more difficult, is where the individual has real levels of self-doubt about their own capabilities, and find the very notion of goal setting difficult to imagine.

It is not, usually, that the person does not want to achieve things. It is more that they struggle with the notion of how much control they have over their own life. On the whole, people tend to set goals that are not achievable, either because they aim too high, or they sometimes give up too easily.

Setting realistic goals is a very hard thing to do. Failure to meet goals can re-inforce a lot of negative thinking about someone's ability to have control of their life. This can make any type of meeting future goals even more difficult.

One of the ways through this, is to stop setting goals that are very specific. This tends to go against the standard advice about goal setting. People normally say set very clear and specific goals, that can easily be measured. Whilst this is sound advice in one sense it does make the whole issue much more black and white than it needs to be.

What sometimes works much better, is for people to set goals that are really about a process, rather than a specific milestone or event. The nature of process is much easier to grasp, is actually very easy to evaluate and does not tend to be so judgemental.

When talking about being judgemental, it is important to realise that it is normally the person themselves who are quite judgemental about their abilities of performance. This sense of judgement is likely to be about their sense of self or their identity.

The nature of process allows people to move forward from a position of where they are, at their own pace. In some ways this is a good thing, as it does not force people beyond the capabilities. At the same time, one of the benefits of goal setting is to stretch people to do more than they thought they were able to.

Goal setting that revolves around a process can do this by instilling a sense of self belief in the person, that can overcome a sense of negativity or judgement that may be there in the first place. Using a process based goal setting agenda involves a different mindset to normal goal setting.

It is however, just as achievable, and in many ways can be of much more benefit to people who struggle with their sense of self, or low levels of self-worth or self-esteem.

Peter Main is a freelance writer who specializes in issues around alcoholism and 12 step recovery. This includes articles on the Serenity Prayer and whether or not AA is a Cult

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