Tuesday 16 February 2021

The Most Important Skill in Property Investing

I talked about the controversy of using sourcing agents in my last email (when you should use one and when you shouldn’t use one). This leads well into today’s topic on the most important skill in property investing.

Sourcing the deal!

Many new investors for one reason and another, are trying everything they can to avoid learning how to source deals themselves.

I understand it’s scary – all those speaking to private vendors/landlords, testing marketing methods, etc. And we are all lazy – and sourcing the deals ourselves is not the easiest route.

I wish I could have people sending me great deals for free all day long. But it doesn’t work that way in reality.

The more experienced I got, the more I realise the importance of being able to source good deals.

When the deal is good, you will not be short of lending (mortgages and private investors), exit strategies, and profits.

If you know how to source good deals, you can not only build a portfolio of your own, but also pass the leads on to earn extra income.

So the best way to learn to source deals?

It’s hard to generalise so pick your strategy first. Then find a reliable, detailed course that has a heavy focus on finding the deals. The course should give you sufficient detailed instructions so that you can take actions immediately.

Then the rest is practice and feedback.

Test the different ways of marketing and negotiation, and find the most suitable ones specific to your investing area and demographic.

To your success!

Emma xx

* Want the step-by-step action points, tools and scripts, to build an extra £2000/month income through property within 6-12 months? – CLICK HERE to book a free strategy session.

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