Monday, 25 January 2021

6 crucial questions to ask yourself when planning for your property investing in 2021

This is the first month of 2021 – I bet you are as motivated and ready as I am to start the year on a strong beat!

You have probably made your annual plan at work – which seems common sense.

But are you surprised to hear that the majority of people don’t make any annual plan for their personal life? And out of the people who do make an annual plan, few actually stick to it and make it happen?

This is a real shame. It’s a shame that people are at least making some sort of effort to get somewhere at work, but most don’t even bother spending a few hours on planning for their personal life, which ironically they claim is way more important than work.

So now you know the importance of making an annual plan. Let’s get down to the important bits – I want to talk about the 6 crucial questions you should ask yourself while planning for your property investing for 2021 so that you could actually make things happen!

If you give these points a serious thought and come up with a clear answer – you stand a much higher chance of achieving your goals this year.

  1. What is it that you want out of property?

Do you want to build up a passive income stream so you can leave your day job or simply supplement your current income? Do you simply want better return and leverage for your money? Do you want to build up a portfolio as your pension?
  1. Cash flow or Capital strategies?
Your answer to the last question will determine what strategies would be the best for you. Cash flow strategies give you recurrent income every single month, so is always a good foundation to have when you start investing in property. And the risks are lower, so better for beginners. Capital strategies give you a lump sum after a period of no income. You may need more experience, knowledge, and a larger risk appetite for capital strategies.
  1. What resources do you have?
You should know what you have and what you are good at. Do you have money, or time, or both, or neither? Are you analytical, or people oriented?
  1. What is your first milestone/goal?
Set a realistic first goal. Say £1k/month extra income, or £2k/month income, in 6-12 months.
  1. Are you really ready and serious about it?
Everyone says yes when I ask them this question. But few mean it. Be honest with yourself. If you are going to invest in property, are you ready to do it for the next 10-20 years? This is a BIG project in life, not just another thing you give a try.
  1. What do you still need in order to take your first action point?
Is it knowledge? (Then go find a good course and a good mentor.) Is it money? (Money is hardly ever the real problem. There are many strategies that don’t require initial funds.) Is it getting over the fear? (Every successful investor was once very afraid. If you have everything else, then go for it.) Is it simply a push? (Give me your number and I promise to call you to give you that push you need.)

Let’s not just make another New Year’s resolution. Let’s make a commitment!

Good luck!
Emma xx

* Want the step-by-step action points, tools and scripts, to build an extra £2000/month income through property within 6-12 months? – CLICK HERE to book a free strategy session with me.

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