Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Tuesday, 29 September 2020
Sunday, 27 September 2020
Find Your Fierce
Since you're one of my readers, you're a world changer. You want to have impact with your business.
You'll have a lot more impact if you get in touch with your fierce.
In a virtual meeting I was in recently, we were talking about winning vs. collaboration (as if they were two diametrically opposed things!). A young man touted the old party line about business being all about competition, that you have to crush your opponent (the competition) in order for your business to thrive. I could hear the grunting and fist pumping in his voice. The meeting went silent.
At first, I was taken aback. Flashback to the Dark Ages. Does anyone really hold this view anymore? Well, I just have to look around me in the news to know that there are those who do. I was disappointed to see it being perpetuated in this young man.
You see, I believe that collaboration and business success go hand in hand. I not only believe it. I've SEEN it in my own businesses. Whenever I've put collaboration with people who were supposed to be my competitors first, we ALL made more money. We ALL had more impact.
Even though I was taken aback at first by his vehemence, his fierceness, I responded with my own brand of fierce. I spoke up calmly. I disagreed. I explained my own experience. I was quietly forceful in making my point of view heard.
No one else responded, and the discussion moved on to other things. Later, one of the other young men in the meeting emailed me to ask, can we talk about what you said about winning vs. collaboration?
In that request, I see that I made a difference. There is an opening for us to have a conversation. He may shift his views as a result, to a more collaborative approach to his own business. To more IMPACT. That'll be up to him to decide, but I have the opportunity to share my own experience.
I haven't always been solid in my fierce. When someone was fierce with me, I used to shut down. I'd pull away, retreating from the strong energy. It felt like too much energy to deal with. It frightened me. It felt like anger.
Other people do respond to fierce with their own anger.
You have a choice. You can respond, if that is a conversation you want to have, with your own fierce.
No one is going to have your impact but you. To have it, tap into your fierce.
The word, fierce, can be interpreted as angry and aggressive. That's not what I'm talking about here.
Fierce is strength. Fierce is clarity. Fierce is courageously holding to your boundaries. Fierce is a focused commitment to your impact.
Cultural norms about how someone is 'supposed to' behave can get in the way of fierce. Fierceness in people of color or women in particular is often not welcomed. There's often a concerted effort to shut you down, especially when your fierceness conflicts with a norm that serves the status quo or the patriarchy. Look at what happened to US Senator Elizabeth Warren when she fiercely defended her right to speak. And yet, she persisted.
You too can persist.
We are in a unique time. Old structures are collapsing under the weight of this pandemic. We have an opportunity to remake things, to build a better future. Finding your fierce allows you to be a bigger part of that. Wouldn't you like to have a say in what the future looks like? How would you like it to be? I would love your contribution to be a part of the world that is now being created.
Once you start to tap into your fierce, it can start to really light a fire in you. In fact, you may even want to burn the house right down. A societal structure that is serving no one but a privileged few. A practice that is doing harm. That can be a sign that your fierce is really and truly activated.
Metaphorically burning things down may or may not be the way you decide to go. It may not be needed. We all have our own ways to have impact, in that worldchanging way that you alone have.
I still feel that frisson of fear when someone sends their fierce in my direction. My first impulse is to keep silent. Leftovers from the past, when laying low kept me safe. But now, I acknowledge it and tap into my own fierce. Oof, that's liberating! And potentially worldchanging.
How do you find your fierce? Tap into something you're passionate about. Your Impact Purpose is the best way into your fierce.
Then use your fierce to keep your own inner fire burning and to make a difference.
May the fierce be with you.
Ursula Jorch is a speaker, business coach and consultant who helps entrepreneurs grow a successful business that makes a difference in the world. A 21-year successful entrepreneur herself, Ursula helps you define the difference you want to make in the world and develop strategy and marketing so you have ever-expanding impact.
Find Ursula on her podcast, Work Alchemy: The Impact Interviews where she interviews impactful entrepreneurs and leaders like Seth Godin and Marianne Williamson, and at for free resources for you and your business.
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Saturday, 26 September 2020
Do You Have What It Takes To Become An Succesful Entrepreneur?
These questions can help you can narrow down your choices and finally find your place in an entrepreneur world.
What are your interests?
While you don't need to be an expert in the business you choose to start, it will help you get ahead of the game if you have some interest in it already. If you have a passion for it, all the better for you. What's more, if you are actually an audience member for your business idea, then that's even better because you will already have a lot of the information you need to get started.
How much starting capital do you have?
Don't panic if you have nothing to get started, but it's good to be accurate and know what you have. Figure out if there are things you can sell quickly to gather some money to get started. This is not the time for pie-in-the-sky thinking - this is a time to be realistic.
What skills do you have?
Often starting with your target audience is the best way to choose a business. If you can narrow down your skill level and the type of people you want to work with, you can get far in choosing a business to start.
What skills can you buy?
When you start a business it's important to realize that you can't (and shouldn't) do everything. If your budget is super tight you might have to start with what you know instead of what you can buy. However, knowing what you can buy will help you imagine the future as your business grows.
What skills should you learn?
If you've realized you have holes in your skill level, are they skills you can learn? If something has come to mind that needs licensure, can you get it? How long will it take? What will it cost? How will you get to the class; are they online or offline?
What resources do you have?
Some of the resources you already have might be a computer, internet access, and even your skills and people that you know. Make a list of any resource, be it a person, place or thing that can help you reach your business ownership goals.
What resources do you need?
As you listed resources you have, you likely came up with some resources you do not have but need. Don't panic. Just make the list and think about listing them in order of "must have" to just "want to have."
How much time do you have to devote?
If you currently have a job that you have to go to, and want to start a business part time, it's important to still identify how much time you can realistically devote to getting a business off the ground right now. Even if it's just two hours a night after dinner, there is something you can do to start a business.
Being an entrepreneur can be overwhelming and exhausting. So how do some people seem to thrive and achieve their goals and dreams while others struggle? The answer is mindset. To start taking steps today to embrace a success mindset get a copy of my free checklist, Cultivating A Business Mindset at
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Friday, 25 September 2020
Discovering Lucrative Business Opportunities
There are several ways to be successful today but the most popular one is almost always acknowledged as venturing into a world of capitalizing on online business opportunities. People who are able to do this easily usually reap in the positive benefits many folds.
However identifying the online business opportunities that will eventually yield the desired profits or revenue, may take talent and knowledge that should be carefully considered as such opportunities pose some level of risks.
Business Opportunities, The Basics
The bases of most opportunities arise for several common factors that can be easily identifiable. These may include the need, the means to fulfill the need, the method which could be applied in order to fulfill the identified need and the benefits that are hoped to be accrued.
Basically the more unique any of these elements are the more interesting and perhaps more lucrative the opportunity becomes.
However, this may only be viable if there is a certain level of control that can be exercised over the different aspects of the opportunity exercise.
This control enables those involved to be better positioned to exploit whatever opportunity that becomes available with the ability to create a respected position within a niche market.
Large companies are always on the look out to buy into or buy out smaller companies. Business savvy individual's are also always on the lookout for business opportunities that will bring them more money.
Though being in the right place at the right time is often the basis of such opportunity grabbing forays, there is also the needed to be savvy and prudent when capitalizing on such opportunities.
Staying informed and keeping abreast with all the latest developments helps to ensure an individual is privy to the latest information on opportunities available. Besides this networking is also another very effective way of scouting around to opportunities. These often come in the form of business opportunities through the who knows who concept, therefore keeping a wide and varied base of personalities within the networking circle is vital.
The Stock Market-
For the braver individual looking to the stock market for opportunities to make money is another viable option; however it is also a sometimes very risky option to choose. Therefore, one should always be well-equipped with the relevant knowledge to ensure the best choices and opportunities are spotted.
Being an entity that provides a varied platform of services from stock broking to trading in other securities the stock market can be and usually is very volatile in its dealings.
There are several ways individual can scout and capitalize on opportunities available through the stock market. The following are some tips on how the shock market can be an opportunity providing platform:
Keep the focus on quick and small gains rather than trying to get rich overnight. Most people make the mistake of not knowing when to buy and when to sell. Though buying is generally based on the sentiments of the time and some knowledge, selling is mostly based on individual perception.
When the stock price seems to be climbing there is always the temptation to see it climb higher before deciding to sell. This is a very destructive line of thought as the stock price can fall just as easily as it went up, causing incredible negative consequences.
Therefore, a limit should be set very early on in the buying stage so that when this pre-set limit is met the stock can be sold without hesitation thus minimizing any possible losses.
Invest conservatively and ensure one is well-informed of the company's background before making the decision to invest. Avoid chasing a seemingly upward trend without the relevant backing knowledge of the company.
In every case the bigger investors will start cashing in first and as their investments are instrumental in the climbing stock price, it will also be instrumental in its decline.
Set Some Goals-
Pursuing opportunities with the intention of making a profit or gaining a respectable amount of revenue should always be done with some percentage of caution. Failing which the consequences can be catastrophic. Having some goals in mind will definitely help in the venture to secure opportunities for money making ventures.
Being able to identify to certain extent the kinds of opportunities that would produce the desired revenue within the desired time frame is something that should be carefully considered.
This is to ensure the interest levels are kept constant and thus creating the necessary "buzz" to keep the individual focused on the goal till the desired results are achieved. Knowing the expectation will also help the individual to be able to pick the opportunities that would be well suited towards achieving the set goals.
These goals may vary from person to person as most people have their own personal ideas on what they deem to be a success. For some this may be having more time to spend with love ones, while for others it may be to have more money, then there are those who perceive being able to travel extensively as a worthwhile goal.
Some people desire to retire in comfort and as such make working towards this their goal. Therefore, whatever the need is, being able to identify it clearly is the first step in getting the goal setting exercise done correctly.
Opportunities can be better detected or sensed when the individual has the clear goal in focus and is prepared to work towards achieving it.
Sometimes the simple act of listing down on paper all the various wants and needs and then taking the time to research opportunities that could fulfill some of the items listed can help the individual make some headway to achieving the goal set.
The Housing Crisis Opportunities-
Taking advantage of almost anything is one way of staying ahead of the money game. Taking advantage of the housing crisis should be no different and with a little knowledge one should be able to successfully tap into this opportunity with positive results.
Generally when there is a housing crisis most people will find themselves in a very difficult position. Some will have to give up their homes as they will no longer be able to meet the mortgages while other maybe more interested in leasing properties for longer terms until the situation rights itself.
In such circumstances getting into the leasing property business as an opportunity to capitalize and make a tidy sum of money would be advised. However, because it is now a renter's market capitalizing on this does have its disadvantages as now the renter will have a wider array of choice properties to choose from.
Therefore, there would be a need to ensure the property available for leasing is of a compatible standard and appealing both in looks as well as price.
There is also the avenue of making money during the housing crisis by buying up properties and rock bottom prices. This is of course only possible if one has a healthy cash flow for long term investment opportunities.
Very good profits can be made when the housing market goes back to a more acceptable state whereby the said properties can then be sold for a handsome profit.
There are also other advantages that can be enjoyed when there is a housing crisis. These may include a lot of freebies that would otherwise not be available.
These freebies can range from zero moving costs to better rental rates. If the individual is looking to make a purchase on a property the housing crisis can bring about the possibility of buying a property that would have originally been out of his or her reach.
Internet Marketing Opportunities-
Internet marketing is the most popular platform for today's business entrepreneur. In most cases it only takes a little time and effort and comparatively a very small monetary investment, and for this one is able to reach all corners of the world and its potential customers.
The following are some reasons as to why one should consider internet marketing for this purpose:
For an individual considering a business venture but has a very limited financial capital, the internet marketing is an ideal platform to exploit for the purpose of getting the product or service recognized. Exposing the individual's endeavor to a huge audience base is priceless, and this is done quickly and easily when compared with more conventional methods.
The low start up cost and the low operating cost will also allow for great tax relief if there is any at all. When a business takes off the last thing one wants to worry about is how much of the income is taxable. Most governing bodies encourage these types of endeavors over the internet and this in turn helps the individual enjoy good tax breaks.
The high profit margin is also another attractive feature offered to those using the internet for marketing optimization. Not having to hire a large team of people and all the details that come with it is a welcome relief in terms of expenses kept low or minimal.
Then there is the time factor which some find very pleasing indeed. The freedom of having the choice to work at one's own pace and time schedule can be a good criterion for those not interested in being stressed out.
There is also the interesting element of not having to market or invent your own product. As there is a wonderfully huge list of items available to be marketed on the internet, choosing to sell through affiliates is beneficial.
"9 Internet Marketing Advantages"
The Downside To Not Exploring Opportunities-
Exploring opportunities is not something that can be done in the blink of an eye, though for the gifted few it is not an impossible feat.
However, with a little bit of in depth knowledge, patience and some know how abilities, it is not impossible to succeed in choosing the right opportunities.
Sitting on the side lines and hoping or waiting for some opportunity to come by on a silver platter is often not only silly but rather unrealistic.
If individuals adopt this kind of attitude, opportunities may never come their way and even if it does it would be unlikely that they would be able to recognize it and make the best of the opportunity being presented.
Some Helpfull Tips So You Don't Miss Opportunities-
Being more open-minded and alert allows an individual to be more aware of any opportunities that may arise. Most people miss opportunities because they are too focused on the smaller picture and thus miss the immeasurable possibilities the opportunities may present.
Missed opportunities not only don't benefit, it can also cause the individual to become resentful and bitter especially when those around are busy making it "big".
This negative effect will eventually fester into making the individual think of himself or herself unlucky, regretful and thus more closed off as the unpleasantness of always missing the opportunity boat becomes a norm.
Risk takers are more likely to take on any opportunity and make the best of it even if the opportunity does not turn out as expected.
For those who have the element of adventure and some degree of bravery taking the challenge to jump on the band wagon of opportunity at the slightest chance give not only great rewards but is somewhat exhilarating and exciting. While for others who are more cautious, missing the opportunity or chasing it when it's not conducive to do so.
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far it is possible to go."
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Thursday, 24 September 2020
What Matters More Than Anything Else For All Who Seek to Enjoy Life to the Max? Time!
Of course many things matter, depending on circumstances. However, that which ultimately matters most for those who want to live life to the fullest is, too often, out of mind. That, of course, is time.
Aaron Fodiman suggests that time is a great healer but a poor beautician. While true, that is not quite time's most consequential trademark.
Time has been identified as the real culprit in countless fatalities. Just the other day, The Onion broke the story that Hollywood legend Kirk Douglas died in his home of an apparent age overdose at 103, explaining that his body simply couldn't handle the sheer quantity of years he had put into his system. Apparently, Mr. Douglas had struggled with a dark history of maturation that few of his friends or admirers were brave enough to confront him about. The Onion account noted that due to the passage of time, family members had noticed his body's slow deterioration, observing that he developed the telltale liver spots, gray hair, and gaunt face that so many of the elderly display.
While Mr. Douglas and most others throughout the county know full well the risks of time, they press on and on and on, perhaps hoping that somehow time will not catch up with them.
The Onion scientists expressed the hope that this tragedy would serve as a cautionary tale, and warned anyone with an octogenarian in their family to seek help before it was too late.
So, be warned and take heed: What we do with our time matters a great deal, far more than access to medical wonders and even more than a REAL wellness mindset and lifestyle.
Of course, all the preceding material was written in good fun, inspired by the irreverent humorists at The Onion. Time, however, is a serious matter and a phenomenon that has occupied great thinkers from the beginning, not of time but of the much more limited period when humans as we know them (i.e., us) developed the capacity and, of course, the time, to ponder the nature of time. This subject has long been featured in philosophy, and more so than ever since the 20th Century. There are even categories for schools of thought about time, including Fatalism; Reductionism and Platonism, the topology of time, the arguments about time named after one McTaggart, an A and Theory of time and B and Presentism, Eternalism and the Growing Universe Theory of time. Whew -- it's enough to make your head spin and, in my case, enough to cause sleepiness whenever I try to make heads of all these theories.
I hope reading this essay has been worth your time. If not, just forget it. It's now in the past and there's no going back.
On the other hand, if it does prove worthwhile, send me some love. Or more time, if you have some to spare.
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Wednesday, 23 September 2020
How Do You Define Success When You're Not Winning?
We either win or we don't. James Carse spoke about this in his book, Finite and Infinite Games. There are two ways to play games: people play to win, and people play to keep playing the game. Finite or infinite games. Simon Sinek picked up and ran with this theme in his own version of the title as it applies to business. The concept is about the joy of playing, an intrinsic reward, versus the joy of winning, a temporary extrinsic reward.
When I interviewed Cameron Schwab, former CEO of the Richmond Football Club, he said he had to face this question: "What does winning look like when you're not winning?" He faced many challenges during his time at Richmond. If you're not winning the premiership, how then do you define success?
This is the question I often ask leaders: How do you define success? How we answer defines how we feel about our efforts and our results.
I've come to realize that success is really two things: It's the results that we produce and it's how we feel about the process. It's an internal measure, as well as an external one. It's finite AND infinite games. It's the game, and the joy of playing.
I recommend to all my clients that they have a success journal. In it they are to record their efforts for the day and how they felt about it (the joy of playing). They can also record any goals achieved (the joy of winning). From the joy of playing we get serotonin (the well-being neurochemical), and from the joy of winning, or reaching our goals, we get dopamine (another happy neurochemical).
The only thing interfering with our ability to feel successful is our own mental focus. So in the face of insurmountable odds, in the face of epic challenges, how then do we define success?
When things are grim the 'game' feels less fun. And yet if we get up each day, find beauty and joy in the small moments, connect and be in service to others, then this is a good starting point for staying in the game without losing hope.
Play the game for the joy of it, and savour the wins when they happen.
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P.S. And when you're ready, here are three ways I can help:
1. Grab a free copy of our People Stuff Toolkit
It's the roadmap to better teams and culture and includes an e-copy of my latest book, Loyalty, as well as checklists and templates.
2. Get equipped at our next event
Meet other adventurous leaders seeking to be, think, and do more. Leadership training and tribe meetings are listed here.
3. Join me and other renegade pathfinders in AMPLIFIERS to get your deep work done.
AMPLIFIERS is an implementation community for big thinkers. If you'd like to amplify your message, motivation and results, send me an email with AMPLIFIERS in the subject line and let me know a little about your work and what big impact you're striving for.
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Tuesday, 22 September 2020
What Is Holding You Back From Being a Success
Given all the discussions we have, books being written, and seminars being taught on success you would imagine that we are living in a generation of exceptional successful people. But is that really the case? Have we been overtaken by a tsunami of people living the dream and being successful?
Far from it. Certainly, the rich are getting richer given how our laws are tilted towards making that so. And there are those who rise up to become successful, but they are in the minority. Overall a lot of people feel stuck in the mire of mediocrity unsure of what their next steps should be.
It is possible that there is something holding you back from embracing a lifestyle of success you are so worthy of achieving. Sadly, there are not many sources out there to help you get unstuck. There are a few things under your control which may help you to come out of the mud and step into the lifestyle and benefits of being successful;
• What is your personal definition of success - before you can begin any journey you must know the destination you are seeking to arrive at. Success means different things to different people. For some its finishing college, getting married, moving into a new house or landing that dream job. Whatever your definition is you should write it down, so you can be very clear about what success means to you.
• Review your past - take a good look at how you were raised. What environment did you grow up in? Was it accepting or demanding? Did you feel like you were loved or that you had to prove that you were worthy of being loved? Even if you grew up in a performance driven environment but knew you were loved it can help you to strive towards being successful today.
• Examine your present situation - are you surrounded by people who are pushing towards success or are you around people who could care less about success? Show me your friends and I can predict what your future will probably look like. Hang around people who are looking to be successful and those who have already attained a certain level of success.
• What are you willing to sacrifice - you cannot be successful doing what you are doing when what you are doing has not produced success. If you always do what you have always done you will always have what you already have now. You must step out of the box and take a chance at being great. See yourself living the life you deserve to live and ask yourself "what must I do to become this person I envision?
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Monday, 21 September 2020
How to Be More Resilient With Slack in the System
When I worked at Outward Bound, when we went rock climbing, we belayed people with ropes to ensure their safety should they slip. As they climbed, they needed some slack in the rope system so they could maneuver. With too much slack, they risked injury if they fell. With too little slack, they were hampered in their movements with the rope holding them tight. We needed the Goldilocks approach: not too much, not too little.
In leadership, it's the same game. If we have too little room to maneuver, we get exhausted. We get tunnel vision. We lose the ability to see a bigger picture. We chase the never ending task list.
If we have too much slack in the system, too much abundance, too many clients, too many opportunities, we become complacent. We start taking each other and our clients for granted.
Some leaders operate from a scarcity mentality and need a huge reserve - of people, money, time, resources - in order to feel safe. There's never enough. Hoarding can result.
Others are more comfortable sailing close to the wind. They skate through month to month. They thrive on risk and meeting targets, just by the skin of their teeth. They are maverick leaders and can instil a general sense of panic and unease in an organisation.
Both hoarders and mavericks are difficult to work with and create large organisation blind spots.
How can we get it just right?
Somewhere in between is a happy balance.
The COVID experience has highlighted the need to have reserves and resources to change track.
A good rule of thumb, depending on our context, is enough resources to last six months to twelve months. This gives some room to turn the ship in a new direction if required.
From a leadership archetype point of view, we need both the Pioneer and the Guardian. We want to experiment for the future while protecting what we value. Reserves and slack in the system help us do just that, without risking complacency or panic.
How much reserves do you have? Do you have a tendency towards hoarding? Or towards the maverick? How can you cultivate a healthy balance of the Pioneer and the Guardian in your leadership? More tips on these archetypes are found in my latest book, People Stuff .
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Sunday, 20 September 2020
The Wonderful Benefits of Coaching
VISION. You will have a clear idea of where you want to go and how to get there. Often we know the end result, but do not see what it takes to get there. This is critical for your success. You cannot do what you cannot see first. Coaching will ask you questions to make sure your vision is strong.
MOTIVATION. You will know what you really want and understand your unique values and motives to keep you moving forward. Stop procrastinating, delaying and putting off because of fears, perfectionism and doubts.
FOCUS. You will be able to operate with clear priorities, doing what is most important things which will allow you to excel In the midst of 'urgent' demands and busy chaotic schedules and lives.
CLARITY. Each coaching session deepens your learning about how you work and think. Coaching also prepares you for action and supports you in getting crystal clear on the steps to take. By work with a coach, you will get a helicopter perspective so that you can return to your business and navigate quickly because you have taken time to assess where you are going. You will be able to see what is right in front of you and developed a plan to forge ahead.
ENERGY. You will find yourself working at your optimum potential. Why? When you are operating in line with your values, life just simply comes together in an easy way. Coaching will give you with the encouragement, momentum, and natural dynamics to operate more efficiently and effectively. You cannot get more hours in the day, but if you have more energy, you will get more done and feel great!
SPEED. You will be more effective. Through planning and strategizing, you will be able to eliminate ineffective methods and enhance those methods that are most natural to supporting you in reaching your goals quicker.
PRODUCTIVITY. You will simply get more done. Coaching will keep your goals clear and in line with your vision. Next, it ensures that what you are doing is important to furthering the bottom line, not just want is urgent, easy or obvious. Then, the regular accountability provides a structure that will keep you moving forward, so you can really get it all done.
RESULTS. Through regular coaching and consistent follow-up, you will increase your bottom-line results. Profits. Clients. Personal Passions. Weight Lose. Whatever your objective is, coaching is a strategic partnership to support you in getting what you want as quickly as possible. If you are ready and motivated, you can actually double what you accomplish in a period of time.
SUCCESS. You will be more successful. Through keeping focused on what you want, the goals and the plan, coaching helps you keep the big picture in mind while you implement the small steps. While focusing on the goals, coaching monitors the balance in your whole life, so you are not distracted with life pulls but have all the elements of your life complimenting your actions. Before you know it, your goal is complete!
The Bottom Line
The #1 reason to hire a coach is to have a strategic partner to THINK IT THROUGH. Your family is not neutral and does not necessarily have the ability to give constructive feedback. Your boss, up-line or co-worker are also not neutral and may have the same blind side that you do. Your friends only want to hear so much about your work and few are willing to spend hours planning with you. The most common misconception of coaching is that it's for people who are struggling and need help. While coaching can help these people too, we are not talking about people who NEED help. In order to be successful everyone needs to stop, think it through and plan.
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Saturday, 19 September 2020
The Differences We Pay Attention To
A Vision of What We Could Be.
When you run across a human, what do you see?
Think for a moment. Take a minute or an hour and think about this question. We see a form that is like us. Yet, there is a uniqueness of the experience in front of us that comes to mind. The energy of this presence in front of me is always changing. Each being I have met has been a true wonder. Getting later in life I have begun to explore what goes on within me, through meditation. This in turn has led me to look out for what I find in common with all those I meet.
We all have something in common. It is simple. We are human. We are living an experience unlike any other we can find. This time and place exist only for the small moments we are truly connected to. The dash in between the parentheses. What do you want to do with your dash?
For me, I hope I have chosen the positive path. A path towards which my very soul seems to sore with delight at all the experiences that this universe provides. It is the very essence of existence that experience takes place. These experiences add up to each of our ultimate destinies. Choose to live towards the life that brings you the greatest joy. Begin to love the process that you are currently going through. Enjoy the hard moments that you can delight in the great moments.
Imagine the world that has everything you ever wanted or needed. Nothing can stop you from achieving your greatest dreams. These dreams were meant to be because you had it. By following that dream everything the universe has will be given to you in the order that you need it. This is the reason for no worries. Take a breather. Understand you are going through exactly what you are meant to be going through.
Decide the lessons that you wish to learn. From this moment forth you can make the decision to live towards those greatest hopes and dreams. Who is that person who has accomplished those hopes and dreams? What do you think you would learn from that person? Answer these questions and others that come up with. If you had the chance to interview your future self, what would that future self say to you?
As we begin to learn about that future go down the rabbit hole just a little further. Begin being that person that has accomplished all of that. Use that act of being to step forth into a new life of hope and wonder.
Come hang out with me on Facebook at
Check out my website and go get your Core Motivation type to help you live towards your best life.
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Friday, 18 September 2020
Insomnia-Dr. Victor Frankl on "Logo" Therapy
There are many causes of this unfortunate illness. Fear of death can be the cause. In some cases, it can be the fear of going to sleep, (oblivion), that prevents conscious and subconscious relaxation necessary for sleep.
The mind of man is so complex that something frightening said to a child of three by an unthinking adult can penetrate the subconscious of that child, be totally forgotten (repressed) and emerge many years later as a cause for insomnia.
Physicians, especially surgeons, are now more alert to what they say in the presence of a comatose or anesthetized patient. The subconscious seems to have ears even when the person is apparently insensible and/or unconscious. Insomnia is a habit that can cause mental fatigue, loss of appetite, loss of weight, a lessening of the powers of concentration and many other serious problems.
About 25 percent of Americans experience acute insomnia each year, but about 75 percent of these individuals recover without developing persistent poor sleep or chronic insomnia, with seniors experiencing the highest percentage of insomnia according to a study from researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
While that may sound daunting to seniors it's also reassuring to know that you are not alone in your struggle to overcome insomnia.
Many insomnia cases are a result of eating too late at night, causing discomfort, indigestion, irritability in your nervous system and chronic breathing problems which are the physical and can keep you awake.
Some of the biggest problems change in a job, school and money worries are giant factors for insomnia. The loss of a relationship or loved one is emotionally devastating and a huge factor for insomnia.
Poor sleep habits also is a big factor in modern society. Innovations in technology have created a myriad of stressors for developing insomnia. Example. blue light, emitted from digital devices with screens (cell phones, computers, televisions) have proven to be an enemy of sleep.
Symptoms we experience during the day:
High levels of anxiety
Lack of energy
Mood swings
Feeling exhausted after waking
Easily stressed and anxious
Symptoms we experience during the night:
constant tossing and turning
Busy mind
unable to fall asleep
unable to stay asleep
Restless syndrome
The average insomniac shows to the world deep shadows around the eyes, a lack-luster look and neurotic tendencies that compound with the passing of time if no help is obtained. Many insomniacs will blame a "busy mind" or "this hectic existence." Such people will actually "plan" on staying awake.
Insomnia is LEARNED. It is with the most exacting logic, reasoning, and reality testing that a person decides to stay awake - it is only through planning and practice that one becomes an insomniac.
Through instruction in self-hypnosis, the insomniac in a short time (usually within six weeks) will learn to sleep like a bear in a cave.
Hypnosis, however, seems to be a more "normal" method, since it simply encourages relaxation, and as the insomniac is occupied with hypnotic techniques he will fall asleep. As in most behavioral changes, it is replacing a bad habit with a good one, or substituting something positive and healthy for a pattern that hitherto had been negative and unhealthy.
What exactly caused insomnia in the first place and what psychological disturbance maintained the habit pattern is unimportant at this point. The fact is that hypnosis can provide a method so that an insomniac can successfully get a normal night's rest and eventually overcome a debilitating habit.
Why hypnosis is not used more generously by the psychiatric branch of medicine for many problems, including insomnia, is difficult to understand.
You as a sympathetic listener will first probe your client for any history of childhood trauma that may have caused the problem.
"Why do you think you are unable to fall asleep easily at night?"
And the usual answer is, "My mind is active. Things keep going around in my mind. I am aware that this is keeping me awake, but I can't seem to control my thoughts; I seem to have so much on my mind I just can't get to sleep."
Another answer maybe, "I'm in a tough business. I have so many problems at the office (shop, store, home, college, etc.) that I can't seem to turn them off when I want to sleep."
The main purpose of the hypnotist's question is to get the clients talking about their problem. As the clients' talks note the number of times they will say "I can't."
Note the conditioned habit pattern demonstrated by the "I can't." True, this game can be played with anyone no matter the problem, but the insomniac will always be the prize "I can't." And this is why, when your clients try to sleep, they will continue to toss and turn - hating the world, society, his job - but more especially, himself.
The process of initial relaxation, as taught in beginning, will come as a welcome relief to most insomniacs, who, by the way, usually make excellent hypnotic subjects for the simple reason that they are tired from loss of sleep and are usually becoming neurotic about the problem.
They will generally welcome the soothing commands of a professional hypnotist. The word "sleep" should be used repeatedly during induction. The same techniques are used in the treatment of insomnia, of course, as in any other form of relaxation training. With the insomniac, however, always stress self-hypnosis.
In your discussion, persuade the client that he/she is doing this, and you are only a guide. This must be repeated many times to transfer any reliance upon you to the client.
Show the greatest of admiration for any progress, and praise him for his excellence as a subject.
The praise and empathic relationship are beneficial from a reward-reinforcement base upon which to dissuade the negative pattern from continuing. As in the case of all habit change, it is the replacement with a positive and emotionally satisfying habit that will correct the unhappy state of insomnia.
Suggestibility by the hypnotist becomes fact to the insomniac as he recovers from his affliction. Much of this comes from the subject themself as they come to "believe."
The hypnotist suggests, soothes and softly persuades relaxation and concentration. Usually, the rapid technique, i.e., counting to three, will administer the corrective way to sleep.
We advise practice two to three times a day in the relaxing techniques and find that eight sessions with the hypnotist will have the insomniac sleeping soundly. In the beginning, most insomniacs will not believe that hypnosis will actually correct their affliction and most will frankly admit that coming to a professional hypnotist is a last resort. Most will have tried drugs, counting sheep; reading poetry and drinking all kinds of milk elixirs in desperate efforts to get a night's sleep.
Therefore, while you will be most reassuring, nevertheless stress that it is SELF-hypnosis that is going to do the trick and not some outside agency or magic.
Place the responsibility right where it belongs.
This usually has a sobering effect upon the client, and they will begin to see just how much, by habit, is responsible for insomnia. As your sessions progress, you will see the practice paying off - the eyes will be more alert and there will be a quickening of the step and a more confident attitude.
Always be quick to praise your client and urge them to recognize the progress that has been made in a short time. Also, stress the "here and now" experience and counsel your client not to dwell on past errors, mistakes, sins or fears - rather the promising vigor of the present moment and the existentialistic exercise must be emphasized.
Dismiss any reference to the past as futile, and bolster any sagging will with "here and now" psychology. Your optimism is the insomniac's tonic for confidence, faith and thereby, relaxation. Confidence and relaxation are inseparable and are dually self-supportive. Encouragement invites belief - disbelief is what has maintained the unhappy state of affairs. Be very careful of the words you use to an insomniac during induction.
For sales motivation and improved work habits, hypnotists use the words "dynamic, aggressive," and so on, but they should never be used in the case of insomnia. You must tailor your words to the client's need and beware of stereotyping your induction for all who come to you.
The conscientious hypnotist always seeks to accommodate the client's needs, and especially during induction. Words are symbols with meanings, remember, and they invoke a reaction (good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative) from your client.
It has been found that it is wise to emphasize deep breathing during induction for an insomniac.
Studies have shown that many people actually hold their breath when "trying hard" to get to sleep. It was indicated in one recent study that several insomniacs were so concerned with getting to sleep that they "forgot" to breathe.
Therefore, have your client not only breathe deeply at the initial phase of induction but continually remind him that he is to breathe deeply and rhythmically. As we know, a more attentive concentration on breathing also acts as a hypnotic technique for sleep or somnambulism, so it has a double benefit
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Thursday, 17 September 2020
Secrets To Prosperity - Cultivate A Millionaire Mindset
The secret to prosperity lies in how you have programmed your thoughts. When you cannot control your mind, you will just move further away from cultivating a millionaire mindset. It is the effort that you put in not only today, but in a consistent manner that will reflect your future results.
We tend to send thoughts to the Universe requesting for change and financial freedom, but we do not know how to adequately use our mind power to receive the appropriate positive messages in return.
In order to control your mind power you need to effectively do the following:
1. Control your thoughts and not be distracted by trivialities
2. Change your daily habits from negative to positive, and stick to it.
3. Only talk about positive matters, because you ultimately become what you think.
Observe what you are talking about the whole day and question whether it includes mostly positive things that give you happiness.
To become a prosperous and successful person, you need to observe and learn from successful people. Read their life history, feel like one and behave like one. You must be able to visualize your future and be able to see your future with you to as a successful person.
Can you visualize yourself as a successful businessman and a millionaire in future? Can you make yourself feel like a millionaire? You should be able to see your future and dispel the notion that we are normally fearful of our future. We far too often visualize our future in negative forms rather than that of being a millionaire.
It is being said that a vibration is created, and the wealth energy takes over when you practice visualizing yourself as a millionaire often. The actual process of you becoming a millionaire will then be accelerated. This is based on the fact that your mind attains power through your thought waves, habits, and visualization. It is possible for you to achieve whatever you want through your mind power.
The very best practice will be to control your mind in the present moment without thinking of the future or the past. This mind power can be used to achieve financial freedom and whatever else you want to target. And free yourself from unnecessary negative thoughts. The key is to practice and implement less thoughts and much more action.
Handle your mind correctly
Psychology experts have determined that your mind is actually neutral, and it depends how you use it. It is actually you as a person who cause your mind to react negatively through your unnecessary negative thoughts and negative behaviours. Under most circumstances, your mind can be your best friend, but at times and it can also be your worst enemy. This negative relationship is often caused by stress that not only brings along discomfort but other diseases as well.
You need to control your mind to avoid stress. It is normally said that diseases are caused due to either incorrect food, or a bad environment but the actual fact is that your thought waves control more than what you might think.
Clear your negative thoughts and you will get a big boost on your way to cultivating a millionaire mindset. One of the easiest ways to manage your mind will be to practice meditation and positive affirmations about being a millionaire. When you can manage your mind, it will be easier to go to the next level of prosperity.
Still looking for Secrets to Prosperity? Stop being misled by crooks who know nothing about Cultivating A Millionaire Mindset. Simply go to This site will give you the plain facts on proven Mind-Hacks of the Rich and Famous and get you on the path to prosperity soonest.
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Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Do You Set Realistic Goals
Any type of goal setting is often considered a fundamental part of any types of personal development or life coaching or 12-step recovery. The idea is simply to set objectives that you then try to achieve. At some point you evaluate your efforts and results, and make any necessary adjustments that may be due.
The question of realistic goals is really important. The goal must be achievable in some way, and at the same time must not be too easy so that it does not require any effort to stretch on the part of the person trying to achieve it.
When looking at goals that other people are setting, it is quite easy to be reasonably objective about what you think they can and cannot achieve. This is especially true if you know the person well, or you know their situation or environment.
Where it becomes more difficult, is where the individual has real levels of self-doubt about their own capabilities, and find the very notion of goal setting difficult to imagine.
It is not, usually, that the person does not want to achieve things. It is more that they struggle with the notion of how much control they have over their own life. On the whole, people tend to set goals that are not achievable, either because they aim too high, or they sometimes give up too easily.
Setting realistic goals is a very hard thing to do. Failure to meet goals can re-inforce a lot of negative thinking about someone's ability to have control of their life. This can make any type of meeting future goals even more difficult.
One of the ways through this, is to stop setting goals that are very specific. This tends to go against the standard advice about goal setting. People normally say set very clear and specific goals, that can easily be measured. Whilst this is sound advice in one sense it does make the whole issue much more black and white than it needs to be.
What sometimes works much better, is for people to set goals that are really about a process, rather than a specific milestone or event. The nature of process is much easier to grasp, is actually very easy to evaluate and does not tend to be so judgemental.
When talking about being judgemental, it is important to realise that it is normally the person themselves who are quite judgemental about their abilities of performance. This sense of judgement is likely to be about their sense of self or their identity.
The nature of process allows people to move forward from a position of where they are, at their own pace. In some ways this is a good thing, as it does not force people beyond the capabilities. At the same time, one of the benefits of goal setting is to stretch people to do more than they thought they were able to.
Goal setting that revolves around a process can do this by instilling a sense of self belief in the person, that can overcome a sense of negativity or judgement that may be there in the first place. Using a process based goal setting agenda involves a different mindset to normal goal setting.
It is however, just as achievable, and in many ways can be of much more benefit to people who struggle with their sense of self, or low levels of self-worth or self-esteem.
Peter Main is a freelance writer who specializes in issues around alcoholism and 12 step recovery. This includes articles on the Serenity Prayer and whether or not AA is a Cult
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Tuesday, 15 September 2020
What Keeps You From Being Successful?
There are many people who work very hard all their lives and get very little worthwhile reward while others seem to attract success at whatever they do.
It is frustrating but there can be good reason in that the more successful individual has more than likely set up plans, he knows where he wants to be and knows what he needs to achieve it,
Entrepreneurs... business people and those willing to break boundaries and become successful in what they do have to deal with many obstacles.
There are challenges that must be faced and dealt with and not least of all dealing with negativity and rejection is part of being successful and innovative.
Developing the right mindset can be the key to driving you forward in your own personal journey to success.
Nelson Mandela once said " There can be no passion in playing small- in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living"
So what is holding you Back?
Have you ever thought that maybe the biggest hurdle to success could be You?
If you are guilty of negative thinking, try instead focusing on the positive aspects.
Positive thinking is a powerful tool to and it will help you overcome the many challenges and obstacles that life sometimes throws at us.
When you constantly berate yourself and focus on your flaws and failures you are creating an internal mindset that will prolong negativity and minimize the positive aspects of the situations that you encounter in your daily life.
Of course it is normal for everyone to experience some kind of self doubt but it can get out of control. If you are to become more successful in business you will need to create self confidence in yourself and the skills and products that you have to offer.
To be successful requires your time,hard work and the right business plan but it also needs you to have the right mindset...
Do you have a mindset that is fixed in believing that only others can find success in life?
We all dream of success, the elusive part is getting from dreaming about what you want to having it and enjoying it.
You can without doubt alter the way you think, your mindset can change...
You too can be a moneymaking entrepreneur by changing your mindset. Believing in your own abilities, by being prepared for hard work and by being prepared to learn from failure along the way.
For more information on being a successful on line entrepreneur see
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Monday, 14 September 2020
What's the Best Part of Your Day?
When's your favourite time, the best part of your day? When so many of us live full-on, busy lives, reaching our favourite, best part of the day can be akin to arriving at an oasis in the middle of the desert. It causes us to smile, breathe deeply and let go of all the stresses of the day.
At the start of lockdown I began taking a daily walk along the towpath near where I live. At first it was a sort of personal diary, taking photographs of the sunrise, beautiful scenery, the birds, wild flowers and then posting them onto social media. Over the weeks it's become a treasured, best part of the day for me. And others seem to enjoy it too.
Going out early morning means there are usually very few walkers, runners and cyclists around. It's lovely to sometimes exchange pleasantries with familiar faces or at other times have the towpath all to myself. And an early walk means I can manage the timing to avoid really wet weather, but also fit in with the other demands in my life. My walk is the motivation to get up and have some personal time, before I start the day well.
- Early risers often enthuse about going to bed early so they can get up and have time to meditate or get some fresh air before they start the day properly. For them, early mornings are the best time of the day. An early morning run, bike ride or visit to the gym gets their circulation moving, sets them up for the day and gives them personal time in order to start the day in a positive way.
- Equally, breaks throughout the day can be special times, providing the incentive to work and earn that reward. Going outside for a drink, maybe a catchup with friends or colleagues can give a welcome interlude during the day. It's good to be able to look forward to some time when you're able to reconnect with others or enjoy some quiet me time.
- In the midst of a difficult, complex or stressful time knowing you're due a breather can be a relief, provide respite and be the best part of the day. At those times you're able to pause, relax, ground yourself, maybe with some food or drink, or take a walk outside. That cup of tea, piece of fruit, few minutes with your eyes closed as you listen to music could offer an opportunity to reflect, clear your mind and then return feeling refreshed, stronger and ready to resume what you've set out to do.
- Is lunch looked forward to as a meaningful half-day marker, a time to sit, take a proper break and eat something tasty and nutritious? Maybe include time to read, have a short walk and enjoy doing something for yourself rather than hardly pausing as you race round town shopping and doing errands.
- For others, early evening is the best part of their day. There's the satisfaction of knowing that the day's tasks are finished for now. The journey home can be used as an opportunity to wind down, reflect on the evening ahead and look forward to seeing family, friends or maybe simply having relaxing alone time.
- Spending evenings with the children, being there for bathtime or reading them a bedtime story is often precious, much treasured time. The evening meal, cooking, walking the dog and feeling relaxed and satisfied as a busy day draws to a close is easily the best part of the day for many. All contributing to an 'end of day gathering' experience.
- Busy people often relax and enjoy the time when their children are tucked up in bed, when they're able to settle down with a drink, TV or have down time with their partner or friends. The prospect of an evening drink, conversation, leisurely bath as they close the door, kick off their shoes and wind down is understandably the best part of their day.
For many of us there will be elements of each of these different times that intermittently cause us to relax, smile and feel that life is good. They can easily contribute to being viewed as the best part of the day. Which is your favourite?
Susan Leigh, counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.
She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon & with easy to read sections, tips and ideas to help you feel more positive about your life.
To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit
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Sunday, 13 September 2020
Making Money Work
As I begin the journey of finishing my working career I look back at messages I have received throughout my lifetime about money and the idea of saving money. Of course, as a young man I never gave much thought to saving. After all I was young and I had a lot of time to save.
It was a plan built on wishes and fantasies. A plan which gave me all sorts of money to party and put me on a path of self-destruction. While I had some amazing times, albeit a bit crazy, the memories have lasted me a lifetime. But those memories did nothing for me when I had an emergency.
It got to a point where I could justify not saving money. After all, with all the debts I had how could I possibly save a penny? The question should have been how could I not save a penny?
One of the easiest ways to save money and to also get a raise in pay is through your pension plan at work (401K). People don't do it because... well it goes back to my early beliefs that I was young and I'll worry about it tomorrow.
Let's look at a simple example of how this can help. This is just an example using simple financial amounts. During the month you make $1000. Let's say that 20% is taken for taxes. Your take home pay is $800. That is everything you make for the month, so saving money is impossible, right? I. Say. Wrong.
I'm still learning the UK pension plans, so I'll use the 401K models that I am used too. Let's say your employer will match your contributions up to 5%. So if you put in 2%, they will contribute 2%. If you put in 3%, they do 3% and so on up to 5%. So if you contribute to a 401K and only contribute 2% (in this example) you are losing money. You are losing 3% of the money your employer would contribute.
In the above example, based on a 100 hour work month, your hourly wage was $10. By contributing 2% to a 401K, which your employer matches your monthly wage grew by $20. An hourly increase of 20 cents. So the hourly wage grew to $10.20. But without taking advantage of the employers 5% maximum the employee is losing $30 a month and 30 cents an hour.
Yes, to get this increase you will have to give money from your check that you say you don't have. 401K contributions are taken into account before taxes. So if you take 5% from your monthly check of $1000, your taxable income is $950. Then the 20% taken from that amount leaves you with a take home check of $760. A loss of $40. But you are adding $50 to your account and your employer is adding another $50. So for the month you added $100 to your account, which only cost you $40.
These are simple figures but it is crazy not to use pension plans to your advantage. I have heard from people in the UK that plans are garbage. The only horrible plan is no plan. To take advantage of any plan, contribute at least the maximum that your employer will match and also look at your plan. Many plans offer different investments to grow your money. From simple safe plans like bonds and CD's to more risky investments from international funds.
Just don't view a plan as rubbish. Look at it, invest in it and make plans for your future.
Dave Harm is a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for over 20 years. He is an NLP Master Practitioner, Hypnotist, and Life Coach. He is the author of three books and the creator of two musical CD's.
His story has been profiled in the United States Health and Human Services National Recovery Month Campaign in 2005. In 2006, Harm received the United States Poetry Ambassador Award, while in 2007, he received the Recovery Hero Award. He is also an active participant in The American Cancer Society's Relay For Life program. In 2008, Harm created the Purple Power CD, combining spiritual music and his poems on cancer to create a unique musical CD for cancer survivors. In 2012, a second CD was created entitled '12' based on the 12 Steps and Promises of AA.
Dave Harm manages his own blog at
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Saturday, 12 September 2020
Which Cash Flow Quadrant You Are In
A great number of people don't have an idea of Cash Flow Quadrants. Are you one of them? If yes, no problem. Today, we are going to have a look at the same which have divided all the population of our world in different classifications. These cash flow quadrants are:
E Quadrant: You have a job and works as an employee for a company/organization
S Quadrant: You are self-employed and own your job
B Quadrant: You are a business owner and have a team to work for you
I Quadrant: You invest money in different businesses and money works for you
This gives you a very clear picture of what classification you are in and the financial status you have right now. Most of all, these four quadrants have four different mindsets and values. Many people will be surprised to know that. Let's take a detailed look at it:
E Quadrant:
E stands for 'employee'. More than 65% of the total population around the globe comes under E quadrant. These people work for others. You have heard the elders advising you like: study whole heartedly, have good marks and grades, and you will get a handsome job. Earning a hi-profile degree like MBA, engineering etc. is considered necessary for getting a highly paid job.
Now matter how high scale of a job you have, but it would be a mere job. Whether you have a seat of executive or a clerk, you will be recruited under specific rules and regulations. Both of the executive and clerk get salary at the end of the month, and privileges along with it. Though, there is a hell of a difference between the level of a hi-class officer and a clerk, however, one thing is quite same: if you stop going office due to any reason, you won't get salary any more.
Also, a fixed salary is enough only for meeting the monthly expenses, making savings like mutual funds, and/or purchasing stock market shares. This cash flow quadrant gives you security and a steady paycheck every month so you stay satisfied. But have you ever thought that this security is only a temporary thing? Money is coming only in case you keep on going office regularly. If you are fired, or retired, no more paychecks will be arriving. Also, you can't continue working in old age. You must have to do something for retirement before it comes. Therefore, the job security is only for the time before retirement.
S Quadrant:
S stands for self-employed or small business. The people who work for themselves and own that work, come under this category. Like, you run a shop/store, or a website on a small level or single-handedly. This quadrant brings more satisfaction and freedom as you don't have to work for someone else. You are your own boss. However, it is also like E quadrant. You or your staff has to work to keep the money coming. Therefore, people in this quadrant are also forced to work continually.
B Quadrant:
B stands for business. Medium or big sized business owners come in this category. Moving and staying in this quadrant needs a lot of effort, patience, time, expertise and experience, and above all, leadership qualities. If you want to move in to this quadrant, you need to possess all these qualities. Here, you are the boss and in driver's seat. Your team and workers work for you, rather you go to work or attend the office daily. You just need to supervise the business operations and take decisions. If you are a great leader and action taker also, you can uplift your business and team to the highest level of success and achievement.
This quadrant gives you the freedom of time and money. The best advice for moving in this quadrant is that you should start with a small business and expand it gradually. You can keep on doing a job for earning a steady monthly income while give a few hours daily to your business also.
I Quadrant: The Superlative Cash Flow Quadrant
I for investor is the advanced level of owning and running a business. When you have plenty of money, you don't need to do anything. Rather, money will do everything for you. This quadrant gives you the highest level of freedom - freedom of time and money.
After completing 10 to 12 fruitful years in business, you can become a successful investor. However, it needs great experience and knowledge of market ups and downs. Planning and joining successful business groups make moving into this quadrant easy for you.
E and S quadrants are called poor or mediocre person's quadrants. These people can't enjoy life as they are bound to work to earn money. These two are called active income quadrants. No work; no money, this is as simple.
Whereas in B and I quadrants, as long as you run the business and invest wisely, you don't need to worry at all. This 'passive income' continues to come. If you want to be rich and to build wealth, you can do it in B and I quadrants only. But first, you will have to change your thinking patterns and have a mindset of business person and investor.
Gradually and constantly, you can move from the first and second quadrant to the third and even forth one. It is quite possible. So, don't wait and start planning right now. When you decide to change your destiny, nothing can stop you from achieving your goal.
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Friday, 11 September 2020
Financial Antivirus Stimulus Packages and Gold
The new coronavirus is unfortunately deadly not only for humans but also for the global economy. The central banks have shot their bazookas, but the monetary policy is helpless during pandemics with their supply disruptions and self-quarantine that effectively freezes the economic activity. Interestingly, even the central bankers seem to acknowledge their impotence. As Jerome Powell said during his recent press conference:
"We don't have the tools to reach individuals and particularly small businesses and other businesses and people who may be out of work... we do think fiscal responses are critical."
It didn't take long to persuade the governments to intervene and increase their spending. For example, Spain announced a $220B stimulus package or almost 16 percent of its GDP. The UK unveiled even larger stimulus: an unprecedented $400 billion financial rescue package, amounting to almost 15 percent of GDP, to "support jobs, incomes, and businesses". Germany went even further: the country authorized its state bank, KfW, to lend out as much as $610 billion, or almost 16 percent of GDP, to companies to cushion the effects of the coronavirus.
Trump has already signed two packages, but worth only $108 billion. But do not worry: Americans have not said their last word yet. Republican and Democratic senators have reached a deal on a roughly $2 trillion stimulus package. Yes, you read it correctly. Two plaguy trillions! But if you think it's a lot, you are wrong! In terms of the US GDP, two trillion is 'merely' 9.4 percent. So, don't worry, there is room for further stimulus if needed.
Will that mammoth fiscal stimulus help? Well, it depends - the devil is in the details. A lot depends on what the governments will spend money on while dealing with this pandemic. The expenditures on healthcare and research on vaccine is desperately needed, so even fiscal hawks (like us) would not complain. But, it can't turn out the F-35 way and also let's say that funding infrastructure projects would not be too helpful right now. You see, this is a unique situation in which the whole economies freeze out in order to flatten the curve and prevent the healthcare system from collapsing. But when firms do not operate, they have no revenues. Without revenues, people do not have wages. Without wages and revenues, loans are not repaid. Without repayments, the banking system collapses - and the whole system goes down like a house of cards. So, some support is needed to prevent that - so that people could smoothly pay their obligations.
Whether the easy fiscal policy will be helpful or not - it remains to be seen. But the recent unprecedented fiscal stimulus will have one very important consequence. The fiscal deficits will soar. Forget about austerity, surpluses or even a balanced budget. So, public debts will necessarily follow suit.
Why is it important? Well, global debt levels were already sky-high. In Q3, the global debt, which comprises borrowings from households, governments, and companies, grew to $253 trillion, or to over 322 percent, the highest level on record. In many countries, public debt will soar to unstable levels.
Furthermore, this increases the odds that the US will go into stagflation, and this means that gold investment will quite likely be particularly attractive. It might be a good idea to consider learning more about this precious metal, before it becomes obvious to all investors - when it does, its price is likely to be already much higher.
Arkadiusz Sieron, PhD is a certified Investment Adviser. He is a long-time precious metals market enthusiast, and a free market advocate who believes in the power of peaceful and voluntary cooperation of people. He is an economist and board member at the Polish Mises Institute think tank. He is also a Laureate of the 6th International Vernon Smith Prize. Arkadiusz is the author of Sunshine Profits' monthly Gold Market Overview report and the free bi-weekly Fundamental Gold Report, in which he keeps subscribers up-to-date regarding key fundamental developments affecting the gold market and helps them prepare for the major changes.
Author's professional website: Author's page dedicated to explaining the link between gold and the Covid-19 threat:
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Thursday, 10 September 2020
What Is The Difference Between Investment Management And Wealth Management?
Investment management and wealth management - it is easy to be confused by these terms, especially since they are often misrepresented. What do they really mean, what are the key differences, and which might be best for you?
What is wealth management?
Wealth management looks at an individual's finances as a whole and how they can be managed to achieve their long-term financial and personal goals. In addition to handling clients' investments, wealth management encompasses a wide set of services, such as legal planning, insurance, accounting, and financial, charitable giving, and tax advice.
There are higher minimum asset thresholds, and one can expect to pay higher fees for the more comprehensive service. Although a good manager could justify this through the savings their service provides.
Advantages of wealth management
As wealth managers offer many of the services of an investment manager, their clients gain the same benefits. However, the additional services on offer mean that wealth management can provide further advantages.
Coherent Strategy
As wealth management looks at all aspects of clients' financial affairs, it aims to provide a custom-made strategy to realise their objectives. For example, by combining different services, a wealth manager can find the best path to paying off a mortgage or planning for retirement, whilst avoiding tax inefficiencies or undue risk.
This holistic approach attempts to understand and predict how different areas of an individual's finances interact and organise them appropriately.
A wealth manager can provide a single focal point for all financial matters. Rather than having a wide assortment of advisors, a wealth manager may replace the need for a separate financial planner or investment manager, for example.
Their breadth of knowledge also means that they can act as a guide for those less familiar with the practices and technical language that often surrounds financial services.
What is investment management?
The primary role of the investment manager is to advise on, organise and grow clients' investments.
After discussing a client's financial goals and acceptable risk levels, an investment manager assembles a portfolio of investments appropriate to their requirements. They then will keep clients updated on the state of their portfolio, offering recommendations and implementing changes.
Advantages of investment management
Investment management services sometimes require a minimum investment and come with a fee - generally a small percentage of the assets under management. However, they can offer numerous benefits.
Reduced Risk
With an investment manager constructing a diverse portfolio, assets are less vulnerable to fluctuations in individual investments. With hundreds of smaller investments likely spread across different industries and asset classes, if one performs poorly, others are likely to compensate.
If the client desires, they can acquire a wide range of investments with the minimum effort, making it ideal for time-poor individuals. As the paperwork and day-to-day running is taken care of, much of the stress of investing is removed.
Higher Returns
One of the biggest advantage is that you can gain the knowledge of the professionals. The best investment managers often have a wealth of experience and worldwide networks which can help them spot the best opportunities and reach better results.
Investment managers also have abilities that most individual investors do not. For example, they can increase their buying strength by pooling together several clients' assets, with each benefiting from the greater yields.
Which is best for you?
Which service is most suitable will largely depend on your net worth and the type of assistance you require. Whilst a wealth manager offers more services than an investment manager, it is generally only available, or necessary, for the most affluent clients, with the wealthiest even receiving fee discounts.
Therefore, if you simply wish to see your investments grow, without the difficulty and risk of handling it yourself, gaining the services of an experienced investment manager could prove fruitful. However, for those with a higher net worth and a complex financial situation, the comprehensive methods of wealth management may be the best solution.
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Wednesday, 9 September 2020
6 Tips For Success As A Trader
If you are new to options trading, you are on the right page. In this article, we are going to share with you 6 tips that will help you be successful as a trader. With these tips on your mind, you can avoid common mistakes and follow the right strategies in order to get closer to your success. Without further ado, let's check out those simple tips.
1. Don't invest too much
If you want to be successful as a trader, you don't want to put all your money at risk. One day you will retire and you will need plenty of money to lead a good life. Therefore, you may want to invest your money conservatively.
Although you can use the money you have saved for a day trade from time to time, always try to be on the safe side. In other words, you should not spend the money that you cannot afford to lose.
2. Be patient
Another sign of a successful trader is that they don't trade on a daily basis. So, what you need to do is grab the opportunities that can meet your criteria. it is not a good idea to grab every opportunity that you can find. You don't want to go against your own judgment just because there is an opportunity available. You must have a solid plan in place and always be patient.
3. Be disciplined
You must have a solid trading plan in place, and you should do nothing against it. If you are trading yourself, you don't want to adopt impulsive behavior. You don't want to be greedy as it can cost you a lot of money. If you think you can get rich in a single day, you are making a grave mistake. You must always be disciplined.
4. Don't be afraid to grab an opportunity
Often, new traders tend to be overwhelmed in the beginning. They are too afraid to grab the opportunities that show up in their way. But you don't need to worry as long as you are disciplined and have a solid plan to follow. So, you don't need to be afraid of pushing the button. If you are patient and disciplined, you will surely achieve the success you desire.
5. Don't take a lot of risk
As I said earlier, it's not a good idea to invest too much capital in a single trade. This will not only put you at greater risk, but it will also cause you to miss out on a lot of opportunities down the road. Therefore, you should only spend 10% of the amount of money you have set aside for trading. This will help you be on the safe side.
6. Learn from Experience
Traders suffer from losses on a daily basis due to their grave mistakes. So, what you need to do is learn from others, and follow a rule-based strategy. Apart from this, you should always try to be yourself and never try to cross the line.
Long story short, if you want to be successful as an options trader, we suggest that you follow these steps. This will help you be on the safe side and avoid the common mistakes that can make you suffer a loss during this journey.
If you are looking for the best options trading system, we suggest that give a go to OptionsGeek today. They offer great services.
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Buffett Has Not Bought Any Stocks In 2020 & The Reasons Behind It Are Fr...
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
Spend Money on Everything That Fulfills You
The humans of the earth have a habit of spending their hard-earned money on things that do not please them, but their society. The wedding celebration is one of those things that requires a lot of money, but it ends up being a waste, at least partially if not entirely. The bigger the status of a family, the greater are their expenses on a wedding. For some people, a celebration turns out to be a nightmare. So much so, that they end up taking loans just to celebrate an occasion that could have been done in a simple, yet enjoyable manner. The youth these days is more interested in spending more on their honeymoon and lifelong travel plans rather than one day of marriage celebration, which is just an example of extravagance.
Spending money on travel
Going to a new city is not just seeing new sights; it is the emotional fulfillment that matters. Traveling to the serene hills and soul-quenching beaches can be the best thing in the world. You can put aside some money every month from your earnings to fulfill your travel plans. When you talk to a monk in a Buddhist monastery, you will have much more clarity about his religion. When you hear your voice echoing from the depth of the mountains, it will reverberate in your heart. When you go for scuba diving in the ocean, you will test the potential of your abilities. When you let yourself fly from a height of 7,000 feet in a tandem Paraglide, you will feel the air touching your face in the purest form, and those few minutes will relieve your soul from the world. Among many other things in the world that gratify your mind and heart, travel can liberate you the most.
Spending money on education
Educating yourself as well as others is a part of emotional fulfilment that people often seek. When you have money, you love to spend it on things that amuse you. However, it gives another level of satisfaction when you make a few expenses for the sake of others. Try teaching your children or those of others; it enlighten your mind a notch higher. Many travelers around the world become part-time teachers in whichever city they go. They seek satisfaction in teaching the underprivileged kids or simply impart a skill that they know, but other adults in the society do not. Receiving and giving education is something that keeps millions of travelers going, be it in the form of academic knowledge, culinary skills, or martial arts.
A wedding is just one instance of wasteful expenditure; people can manage many other things in much less money than they expend. The money and resources that they save are worthy enough to be used in much better places. Momentary happiness is one thing and seeking a lifetime of bliss is another. You can be there at the mountaintop in the Himalayas and still feel the discontent in your heart. On the other hand, you can cook a pizza for your family and friends to attain immense happiness that you always wanted. You should always do the soul-searching to realize what makes you happy and satisfied. It is of no use doing things for other's sake, be it anyone in the world, if it does not soothe your mind. In the end, it is you who would evaluate your life and judge its worth. If you can bring a smile on your face while thinking of all the years you have spent till now; your life was absolutely worth living.
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Monday, 7 September 2020
Increase Your Income
Increase income is a critical step to the Wealth Creation Formula. It will be difficult to become rich without the increase in your income. Once you have created an income flow. Find ways to increase it. No, I didn't say go get a second job, the third job, or start a business. I want you to increase the income from your current flow.
Don't lose focus on your first source. This is where people lose. They try to branch out too quickly. The sexiness of quitting their jobs drives them to look for other sources without perfecting their first source. In addition to fortifying your first source, increasing that flow takes skills. But the learning process will help you scale later.
The Importance of Your First Stream
Your primary income source is your lifeline. This is why we want to increase it. All too often people start new business ventures and let their primary income flow dry out. Remember your primary source pays the bills, keeps food on the table, and it will fund future investments ventures.
The movement to become your own boss is enticing. The road is paved with broke bosses and would be entrepreneurs. Starting a side hustle is the correct thing to do. But not before you secure and increase your first flow. Your first flow funds your entire lifestyle. Don't forget that.
Increasing Your Income
How can you increase your income now with your first flow? How can you bring more money in with what you are already doing? Look at your income source. How can you earn more money with that? What other duties can you perform to get more money coming in?
You can increase your pay. Have you looked at ways to earn more money in your current position? Here are some examples:
Food service workers, waiters, and waitresses can improve their communication skills to get higher tips.
Uber, Lyft, Taxi, and Delivery Drivers can improve their service for more tips. They can put up signs that remind people to tip. Also, rideshare drivers can drive more to earn bonuses. Plus they can participate in the referral program and earn more money recruiting more riders and drivers.
Sales and Commission people can earn more money by doing the financing also. Or if the customer doesn't buy from them could you refer the customer to a competitor and earn a referral fee.
Blue Collar/Union Worker can increase their skill set to learn other jobs and use their seniority to get extra work. Is their overtime available for you to take to increase that current flow?
No Opportunities to Increase?
Now there are some instances where you can not increase your income. Although this is rare or you just suck at finding out the current opportunities. This is where you invest in yourself. Instead of hopping on the next get rich trend. Invest in learning a skill like sales and marketing. Learn how to turn your current skill set into dollars.
What does Increasing Your Income Look Like?
Here is what increasing your income flow looks like:
Let's say you are an Uber driver. Driving is your main source. Now one way to increase your income is to drive longer hours. You can drive for 12 hours per day with Uber. Next, you can increase your tips by having a clean car, communicating well, and having signage that reminds people to tip. Then you can recruit other people and get a referral fee.
With Bonuses and tips alone a rideshare driver could earn up to $400 extra per week. This is how you increase your current income flow. The key is to find opportunities with your current job or business. It saves you time and a learning curve. You are already an expert in what you are doing. Just get paid more to do it.
Don't Become Satisfied with Your First Flow
Once you master your first flow don't become satisfied. Don't compare yourself with other people because you are doing better. The goal is wealth creation. One income stream will never make you wealthy. On the other hand, it is your key and now you can create other streams because your current stream is strong.
You never let your wealth depend on one income. Now that this is fortified and growing it is time to find a second source. The second source is another flow. It is not replacing your first stream. It is adding to your income. Branching out takes courage and skills. If you have increased your income from your first flow you have developed some skills.
I always suggest creating a second stream that is symbiotic with what you are doing. Like the Uber/Lyft drivers who are earning commission on referrals. Since they are recruiting they can get commissions for referring people to other products and services. Now they are marketers.
Sales professionals can consult, write books, or get paid to speak. These are ways that they can build multiple streams with their current skillsets. Again, once your first flow is secure and funding everything it's time build a symbiotic second flow.
Charles Fitzgerald Butler is an entrepreneur and expert in sales and marketing. Charles has a passion for helping people start and run a successful business. You can partner with Charles and start building multiple income streams from your home. Charles' goal is to help all who partner with him achieve cash flow and profits from their business.
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